CMNF Undressing on the street

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    • #5141
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        Does anyone know the story behind this one?

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      • #5156
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          She looks as if she doesn’t need to lose any weight, but maybe she’s on a diet and any week she doesn’t lose any weight, she sticks a pin in a map and goes there to strip naked. It was easier when she first started and had a few pounds to shift, but now she’s down to her optimum weight, she’s having to strip most weeks. She started to get a bit bored with it, so now she picks a random person from a list of male and female friends who live nearby and she gets them to take the photo.

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        • #5157
            • Berkshire UK
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            That’s what happens when security catch up with you after you have been shop lifting from Victoria’s Secret….

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          • #5175
              • Wales, UK
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              We have to try this (undressing on the street) in an experiment some day.

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              • #5183
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                  If all the participants went outside onto the street together and one of them stripped, the presence of the others might make it easier because passers-by would assume it was some kind of game. The one getting naked might want a disguise in case anyone started taking photos. I’ve tried face masks but it’s difficult to avoid dislodging them when stripping. I’ve tried a blindfold – that works well as a disguise as well as adding to the excitement and is harder to dislodge but I found it hard to strip and keep my balance when blindfolded. Maybe that’s just me though.

                  It would make it much harder – maybe too hard – if the “victim” was sent outside by themselves to strip on the street.

                  (“Stripping on the street” sounds like a good name for something.)

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                  • #5190
                      • Berkshire UK
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                      With @profgreen comment “I’ve tried face masks but it’s difficult to avoid dislodging them when stripping. I’ve tried a blindfold – that works well as a disguise as well as adding to the excitement and is harder to dislodge but I found it hard to strip and keep my balance when blindfolded”, it sounds like not being masked or blindfolded would be the way to go…. and probably best for there to be at least one person present to take the clothing.

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