Thank you, Patrons!

Forums Community & News Community News & The Future Thank you, Patrons!

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    • #15711
        • Wales, UK
        • Topics: 584
        • Comments: 2569
        • Total: 3153
        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        Changing over from Ko-Fi to Patreon has essentially been a success. There’s always room for improvement (and I’ve got some work still to do at my end) but we now have more Community Supporters (now called Patrons due to Patreon) than we’ve simultaneously had since last summer.

        So, firstly, I’d like to thank our small but extremely important group of Patrons whose vital monthly contribution help keep this community running. I’m hoping we continue to gain more. Costs have obviously gone up and my hosting charges will probably go up just a little (I hope!) in January, but if we can just over double the number of Patrons, the site will be safe.

        If we can get safely over double, I’ll look into removing most of the advertising banners. I’ve tried to keep them low-key but I know they are still annoying.

        Ultimately, getting a few hundred Patrons and building up a working budget to pay for experiments, experiences and events would be fantastic. That would really open up some possibilities!

        The future is looking good.

        Thanks again!

        Martin and like this

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