Techy question

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    • #14665
        • Cheshire, England
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        My pc died a while back. I had no issues posting pictures from that, or from memory on my laptop.

        If I try to upload a picture from my phone I get questions about source, description and size.

        No idea what the answers are, can it not be set up so I can click a picture in my gallery and it adds?

        If not how do I answer those questions when trying to upload a phone picture?

      • #14670
          • Wales, UK
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          I don’t use my phone for web browsing (every website is unusable on a six-inch screen in my opinion). But after a fight to log in, I navigated the weird menu system (No idea why my phone reduces it to a burger when there’s enough room to do menus as they should be shown),  and added an attachment to a test post. That seemed to work fine. I didn’t get asked any questions.

          I haven’t set anything up to ask questions when uploading from a mobile and I’ve got no options to change how that works. That should be mostly up to your web browser but I don’t know what those questions are for.

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        • #14673
            • Wales, UK
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            Can anyone else answer the question at the top? I just don’t use a phone for accessing websites, so I’ve got next to no experience in this area.

            The site’s “theme” (the scripts which control how it looks) is supposed to be fully mobile compatible (one of the critical criteria I used). In my opinion, it still suffers from the MASSIVE text issue that all websites seem to have on mobile browsers. When I put my mobile and my Windows tablet PC side-by-side, both showing the same page on this site, the text on my mobile (which is set to minimum font size) is around a third larger than the text on the PC. My mobile has a much higher pixel count per inch of screen so there really is no excuse for that. Also, my PC is set to 125% font size so I have that set larger than the default.

          • #14679
              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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              This works for me

              You must be logged in to view attached files.

            • #14681
                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                I use Android, so can’t answer for Apple.  I get a choice for “Source” and tapped “File”, then in the top left there is the “Options” (3 lines) and chose “Gallery” and that shows all the pictures and videos on my phone
                The biggest problem I find is my phone pictures are much larger than the 2Mb limit.

                John likes this

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