Simple challenges for ordinary people

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Simple challenges for ordinary people

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    • #232
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        If you were going to challenge an ordinary slightly shy person to do something naked, what would you challenge them to do?

      • #301
          • Wales, UK
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          Probably start with simply walking outside your house naked, maybe after dark? Of course, it depends where your house is. You could get in trouble if you live in a block of flats.

        • #331
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            When I was a child, my family took me to nude beaches.   After I married Bob, I had to drag him to nude beaches and challenge him to take it all off.   It took some doing but after he finally did it, he admitted that he likes it.

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          • #337
              • Wales, UK
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              How long did it take, @susan?

            • #352
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                I pestered him for a couple of months.  Finally he agreed to go with me.  But when there he would not take off his bikini swimsuit even though I was parading around naked with several people watching nearby.   Second time we were at a less crowded place and after I had stripped, he finally went all the way.   I was proud of him for overcoming his inhibitions.   Later, he admitted that it felt good and he has gone fully naked on several more occasions.

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              • #636
                  • Wales, UK
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                  I’m wondering if we should make a list of dares, maybe sub-divided by difficulty. Members who enjoy dares could work their way through the list, posting a message each time they complete one. Verifying might be tricky, but even without verification it may get some activity going?

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                • #639
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                    That’s a great idea. I would definitely be up for doing that.

                  • #641
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                      I’d enjoy that. We’d need to start with some really simple ones, like getting naked indoors and then opening the curtains.

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                    • #642
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                        They’ll regret this in the morning.

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                      • #644
                          • Wales, UK
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                          If everyone starts making suggestions for dares, I can sort them into a list then we can rank them by difficulty.

                          • #5644
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                              I went to a couple of parties like this when I was younger.  Great fun!

                              Don Smith and like this

                          • #645
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                              A few quick ideas for people who are not normally naked:

                              1. Strip completely naked with the curtains drawn and then open them
                              2. If you have a back garden, go outside, strip naked, walk as far or long as you dare, come back in You could take a dramatic bow towards the house on your way back in case anyone has seen you – that way they’ll know you’re doing a dare
                              3. Throw something out of the back door as hard as you can and then go and get it back
                              4. Strip naked outside while wearing a blindfold
                              5. Get someone to photograph you tied up and naked. (I’ve tried this on my own with a delay on the camera but gave up and had to ask someone to help in the end.)
                              6. An idea I saw somewhere else but I’m not sure how effective it is – strip naked in a public toilet cubicle. I think the idea is to feel naked in public but it didn’t do much for me. You could then open the door but that sounds like a good way to get arrested!

                            • #705
                                • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                I like the idea for a list of dares…

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                              • #707
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                                  I like the way has themes which people (ideally male/female pairs I think) take as dares and send in photos of themselves completing the challenge

                                  The ideas I listed before can all be done on your own (assuming you’re better than me at taking photos of yourself). That set me thinking though. We could have dares organised by level of scariness but we could also have solo dares, couple dares (undress each other?). group dares (maybe the easiest to document but you’d need a group of like-minded people).

                                  I needed help with the photo because I’ve realised I lack self-photography (and maybe escapology) skills but that also set me thinking. Could we have a forum where people discuss how to take better photos? I used to follow voyeurweb years ago when the site felt gentler than it does now. Most of the comments people added to photos were variations on “nice tits babe” but sometimes people would offer helpful critiques of each others photos.

                                • #708
                                    • Wales, UK
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                                    Start a new thread in the Naked Dares forum and I’ll make it sticky for you (that sounds like a euphemism!)

                                    We need to put together two lists of dares, one for people to do solo and the second for those doing them with their partner. Maybe the should be a rule that photos must contain the name of this website (written on a card or similar), to prove that the photo is genuine?

                                  • #740
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                                      Dares involving reaching up are always good. I like the clothesline idea very much. We’ve used hanging out the washing as a forfeit before but I don’t think we’ve ever suggested hanging the clothes you’re wearing on the line.

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                                    • #2674
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                                        This is a still from the Neverland video ( It got me thinking about dares involving recreating scenes from naked videos. The clothesline dare above could be one source. Neverland could be another. Lots and lots of others of course.


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                                      • #5642
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                                          I saw this online and it made me think about a “simple challenge” dare to go out wearing something see-through under a jacket. It’s probably more appropriate for women than men, unless someone can think of a male equivalent.

                                          Jim, John, and 1 more person like this

                                          • #5645
                                              • USA
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                                              I really like this one.  I have a couple of blouses that are like this thought maybe not quite so sheer.  I like to wear them when I go out with my husband in the evenings.  We always get the best tables and the waiters seem to be ‘specially attentive!  😉

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                                          • #5646
                                              • Herts
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                                              Susan, Mmmm lets see the pics of you like this




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                                            • #7735
                                                • Cheshire, England
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                                                For women, wear a short skirt and a see thru as you dare top with a dark coloured bra to a pub or restaurant.

                                                You will naturally draw attention to yourself. Half way through the evening, go to the toilet and remove all your underwear. Carry your underwear in your hand back to your table.

                                                Prepare to be stared at 🙂

                                                For men, trackies and no underwear to the supermarket. If you are feeling especially brave, an erection and a cock ring will guarantee you are looked at.

                                                I did this once when I lost a bet and I have never been as mortified in my life, but I’d do it again.

                                                Martin likes this

                                              • #7760
                                                  • Cheshire, England
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                                                  I once got up to go the toilet, it was about 7am in the summer, and I suddenly remembered I hadn’t put the bin out. I was back in the house before I realised I’d done it naked!

                                                  Perhaps too extreme and definitely accidental, but how about putting the bins out in underwear or skimpy nightwear and getting a selfie in the road in your street?

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