Revisting: ever been undressed by other people?

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        The last forum thread was getting too long!
        Another 100% true story.

        Back in the mid-1970s, we had some really hot summers, with 1976 being the most famous/infamous.  It was a heatwave that seemed to go on forever.

        One Saturday, we had a family party at our house…my mum and dad, a few neighbours and my aunt and uncle.  Their son, my cousin -Tam – who I used to see all the time, for as long as I could remember, was there. I was in my early teens, Tam was 2 years older than me.  We’d joined the party in the garden, Tam had had one can of lager, but we retreated to my bedroom as everyone was getting a bit merry, and were repeating old family stories for the hundredth time.

        Up in my bedroom Tam and I looked for something to do. Let me set the scene…I was in the tiny box room, with only enough room for my single bed, small side table, a chest of drawers and an inbuilt wardrobe that mostly housed the hot water boiler – it was enormous. My brother had the Brut-scented big bedroom next door, and my mum and dad had the biggest bedroom.

        I sorted through the board games I had but none appealed to me or Tam. So we decided on just playing cards. Sat on my bed, with the sound of laughter and clinking of glasses coming from the party in the garden outside, we played a few hands of Rummy which I invariably lost.

        It was hot and humid.

        I was on the bed with my legs outstretched, while Tam sat at the foot of the bed; we dealt the cards between my legs.  I don’t know whether it was the heat, hormones, beer or boredom, but Tam suddenly seemed fixated on one of my trainers. Indeed, he started to try and pull it off!  I squealed as he started pulling at it, being hopelessly ticklish! I pulled my leg back but he was determined. And being 2 years older than me he was bigger and much stronger.  Try as I might, I couldn’t stop Tam…he pulled at the laces, loosened the shoe and after a 10-minute tug of war, with much laughter and more squeaking from me, he succeeded in taking off my trainer.  He tickled my foot and I was losing control.  I laughed hysterically. The card game was forgotten.

        Tam pulled the bedroom curtains shut, plus the bedroom window as I was getting louder, then set about removing my other trainer.  I tried to resist but he was relentless. In a shorter amount of time, my other trainer was ripped off. If I thought he was finished, I was very, very wrong. Grabbing my legs, he pulled at my socks and, one by one, slipped them off, now tickling my bare feet. Cards were being scattered everywhere as I squirmed on the bed.

        Tam then pushed me back on the bed and lifted my loose t-shirt, his strong fingers probing and tickling my stomach, then forcing his hands under my armpits. It was torture but blissful. Before I could stop him, Tam had one of my arms out of the sleeve, then scooped off my t-shirt, whipped over my head, leaving me topless. In the process of tickling my stomach he’d successfully popped open the fastener on my purple corduroy trousers (this was the 1970s!). In one swift motion, he’d unzipped them and tugged them down my legs and over my bare feet.  He had all my clothes stashed behind him.  I was hot, sweating and very aroused, wearing nothing but my underpants.

        There was a brief pause.  Both Tam and I were breathing heavily. It was stifling in my bedroom with the windows shut. I had in mind to make sure my door was firmly shut and hopped off the bed, but Tam had other ideas.  As I motioned towards my bedroom door, Tam pulled at my underpants and yanked them down, revealing my bare bottom.  I stumbled against the wardrobe as Tam pulled them down, forcing me to lift one hot bare foot to step out of one leg of my pants, trying to avoid falling, then, as Tam pulled harder, stepping out of the other leg. I was now completely naked.

        I looked back at Tam who now held onto my clothes he’d stripped off me. I held my hands over my genitals, trying in vain to cover my now throbbing erection.

        Tam looked very satisfied and, holding my clothes, chanted, as only teenagers can, “I’ve got your clothes! I’ve got your clothes!”  I didn’t know what to do.

        “Shall I throw them out of the window?” teased Tam and pulled back the curtains. The thought of my parents and all the other partygoers seeing all my clothes falling into the garden filled me with horror.  I leapt across the short distance between us and tried to wrestle my clothes from Tam’s strong grasp. It was futile. He grabbed me and pinned my arms and had me in a tight bear (and very bare) hug. Covered in a film of sweat, I swivelled round in his lap, now facing away from him.  He tickled me more, and his hands headed towards my erection. I could do nothing to stop him and wondered what was going to happen next. I was both frightened and thrilled. In half an hour, we’d gone from innocently playing cards, to Tam stripping me totally nude. I was now aroused and tingling.

        Suddenly there was a knock at my bedroom door.  We both froze. “Are you boys alright in there?”  It was Tam’s mum, my aunt.  Tam was shaken out of his reverie. “Yes, Mum…we’re fine?” he answered quickly.

        “Do you want a drink or anything?” she asked.

        Tam released his grip on me and shoved my clothes back to me.

        “No, thanks Mum.  We’ll be out in a minute.”

        We heard her descend the stairs to return to the garden party. I quickly got dressed, sweating and red-faced, and pushed my erection back into my pants and zipped up my trousers.  Tam said nothing as I got dressed, looking very disappointed.  He eventually got off the bed and opened the door. “Come on, let’s go back outside.”  Wordlessly I followed him, confused, a a little bit disappointed, buzzing and breathing heavily. I’d enjoyed being nude, and I’d really enjoyed having my clothes stripped off me. If his mum hadn’t knocked on the door, I wondered what would have happened.  I’d memorably find out a few weeks later.  Let me know if you’d like to hear part 2…?

        NakedMadCat, ptHarry and Dutch Penn like this

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