
  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Ed.
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    • #13761
        • Wales, UK
        • Topics: 585
        • Comments: 2582
        • Total: 3167
        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        I know a few of you have purchased one or more of the Naked Experiment reports from Amazon (Thank you!). Is there any way I could persuade you to leave a (hopefully positive!) review or rating there?

        It would really help the site if the reports got more reviews. Once they hit 25 reviews they get more sales support from Amazon. At 50 they can be included in Amazon’s recommendation e-mails (matched to similar books). More people finding out about the books means more people interested in joining one of our experiment sessions which, in turn, leads to more experiment reports.

        Anything which gets our community’s name out there will help us get more members which makes everything here better. The experiments seem to appeal much more to women than the community itself does and, I think we would all agree, anything which might attract more female members to the community is to be encouraged.


      • #13803
          • Wales, UK
          • Topics: 585
          • Comments: 2582
          • Total: 3167
          • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

          I think Experiment #2 has one more rating. If that was one of you thank you!


          I can see why everyone is reticent to leave reviews, although you can make your name anonymous on there, but I think ratings are anonymous by default? (Anyone know this for sure?)

        • #13872
            • Wales, UK
            • Topics: 585
            • Comments: 2582
            • Total: 3167
            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

            Are Amazon ratings anonymous? I know you can set a name for your Amazon reviews, but I don’t think ratings appear as anything more than a total count for each star rating.

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