Personal shyness with nudity

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Personal shyness with nudity

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    • #10287
        • USA
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        Though I would like to participate to help give this community more activity, my own shyness with nudity gets in the way. I am very much so embarassed about being seen naked, though I find the idea of going outside and doing these challenges, and even just implying I am naked for some of them enjoyable. Due to this I think I’ll sadly just be a commentator from the sidelines, or at least not post anything if I do it.

        Gary, Steve and Ed like this

      • #10289
          • Wales, UK
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          • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

          That is one of the key reasons for this community – to help people make that leap. Lots of people want to experience being naked in a variety of ways but are too shy to do so. The most interesting experiments involve people who are not body-confident and who find getting undressed in front of other people a real challenge.

          When I completely re-worked the application process for the experiments, after speaking to a few people who were interested but put off by the application, many of the changes were to make it less daunting and less of a challenge in itself.

          The experiment sessions also have the advantage that the results are not published in photos/video.

          The Master Dare list does require a photo as proof (unavoidable as just taking participants word for it is going to be abused), but that photo is only published if you give consent. Those dares also begin indoors.

          More than all of this, you don’t have to get naked in front of other people or outdoors in order to be an active and valued participant of our community. Take things at your own pace and don’t feel pressured to do anything you’re not happy with.

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        • #10327
            • Long Island, New York, United States
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            I get where you are coming from as I am very much the same. I am very shy and embarrassed easily about being naked around other people and don’t really have much privacy where I live, so I am mostly a commentator here rather than a person sharing experiences. It’s ironic as I write lots of erotica about nonmutual nudity and embarrassing nudity situations, an entire blog and several books in fact, and yet I haven’t really experienced any myself.

            But I think because I am extremely shy that would make the whole idea of being naked more intense, particularly being the only one naked amongst a group of people who are staying dressed, which to me is like the most intense experience imaginable something I would like to experience someday. Until then I compensate by having a very vivid imagination!

            Steve, Joseph and Ed like this

          • #10329
              • Wales, UK
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              • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

              Over the years I’ve discovered there are clearly two distinct types of exhibitionists. It’s an area I find particularly fascinating.

              Joseph likes this

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