Party Games?

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    • #16526
        • Manchester UK
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        I’m retired now, but as we come to the office Christmas party season I was thinking about a game we played at one of our office parties, back in the eighties.

        The game was to remove your clothes and lay them out on the floor to see who could get the furthest, quickest.

        I was quickest overall, and got the furthest of the men, being the only one willing to remove my boxers, but I was beaten by one of the women – the only one who was willing to remove her bra. She had many advantages – she had stockings and suspenders on, so the suspender belt unfastened must have been 2 feet. Her skirt unfastened completely down the front so gave her another 2 feet laid out. Then her bra gave her another nearly 3 feet!

        She had very long hair so managed to keep some modesty!

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      • #16528
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          Christmas parties back then were great fun.  I worked for a leading brewery back in 1999 to 2001 and our Christmas parties were epic.  And before anyone accuses me of being sexist, the girls and women misbehaved just as much as the men.
          I miss those days. ☹️

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        • #16529
            • England (London)
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            That sounds like a fun game, though if people guess in advance that it’s likely to be played they can “cheat” by deliberately choosing either clothing that’s capable of being “longer”, such as wearing a tie despite only having a tee shirt, belt and braces that aren’t really needed, or extra layers of clothing that they wouldn’t otherwise be wearing.

            Trouble is I suspect if it were played today, the organiser would insist everybody keeps their underwear on even if they were willing to take it off, which kind of defeats the object.

            But if Ed is ever able to do another Naked Experiment, it might make an interesting inclusion. Maybe played once at the start with “as bare as you dare” rules, and once later on with “everybody gets naked” rules.

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            • #16530
                • Wales, UK
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                I like that idea.

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                • #16531
                    • Berkshire UK
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                    I like that you like that idea!


                    of course, for an experiment I’d expect to be told how many items of clothing to be wearing on arrival – and that should appear like everyone was asked to wear the same number even if they weren’t (giving some a natural handicap on any stripping game as they would have, potentially less to lose….)

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                  • #16533
                      • Manchester UK
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                      You would probably want the same number of garments for say strip poker, strip Twister, undressing each other, but the beauty of this game is more about who dares and, yes, any advantage of wearing more clothes, or a larger lady wearing a bra that stretches three feet, whereas a smaller chested competitor not wearing a bra; likewise someone with a large waist wearing a belt, wearing shorts rather than trousers. It would be that unknown factor that makes the game more interesting, no?

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                    • #16534
                        • Berkshire UK
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                        Or would you get more daring by the pressure of both players having the same number of items of clothing and comforted to go “all the way” to try to get the extra length knowing the other player has the same number of items?

                        And would you allow destruction of clothes to lengthen them i.e. a guy’s boxers could be doubled, but then unwearable, if they were slit down the side…

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                      • #16535
                          • Wales, UK
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                          Destroying clothes to make them longer is a cool idea. That would open up a path to be even more daring.

                          Martin likes this

                        • #16536
                            • England (London)
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                            Like unravelling a knitted jumper, maybe?

                            But wearing a ball of string as an accessory would be faster and cheaper 🙂

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                          • #16537
                              • Wales, UK
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                              I think unravelling a jumper would be going a bit far. I don’t know how much wool there is in one but I’m guessing a few dozen feet at least.

                              Imagine if wearing a ball of string was allowed. My ball of string was 50 metres long when it was new!

                              Diana likes this

                        • #16532
                            • Berkshire UK
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                            Party games though …

                            “Pin the tail on the donkey” – but with a twist. Form two teams, both have to have one fully nude person as a model and a body marker pen. Parts of the body are called out and the teams have to write on their model the name of the body part where the body part is. To score, the models are swapped, the host points out the correct places and if the model is incorrectly labelled the label is crossed out and written in the correct place. The model passes back to the original team who have to study the correct positions.

                            That opens up the possibility of the same game happening later but using the whole team (each member having one body part labelled) where, if any are wrong, a stricter forfeit (remain unclothed afterwards if you are wrongly labelled, perhaps?).

                            Diana likes this

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