Only One Naked amongst friends

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    • #4554
        • Wales, UK
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        Lots of people reckon it’s more of a challenge to strip naked in front of people they know:

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      • #4557
          • Berkshire UK
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          It isn’t physically any harder to strip in front of those who know you than it is to strip in front of those who don’t, but there is a mental barrier to doing so.

          it’s the thought that they will remind you later about what you did. But I have done both and, whilst you do need to be prepared to be reminded, all you need do is to give a smile and make it look like you don’t care and then it becomes less of an issue.

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        • #4561
            • Wales, UK
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            It was the mental challenge I was referring to. People care much more what their friends think (usually) than what strangers think.

            Very good point about friends reminding you later. If you are seen naked by a stranger, it’s only a factor at the time. If a friend sees you, that’s potential baggage for the rest of your life.

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          • #4564
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              Yes, and this goes back to “naked office” teambuilding events or charity calendars. We normally present ourselves to hide our less favoured attributes, and I suppose the whole point of naked teambuilding is to get away from those barriers. If I was the only one who ever got naked, that would put me in an odd social position in the group though. I wonder if that’s different for men. I had a female colleague once who was known for flashing her boobs at parties but nobody thought worse of her for that. They were a bit concerned about the amount she drank but that was about her health and safety, not about physical appearance, and it didn’t seem to cause her any problems in the office. It would be very different if different people got naked at different times. I’ve played stripgames with friends and because we’ve all done it, it’s not in anybody’s interest to say anything negative. A group event (still thinking teambuilding or calendar) would be similar. Because everyone did it, we’d all know that everyone had bits of their own body they didn’t like, whether it’s small cock, uneven breasts, stretchmarks, big thighs, stomach or whatever. That’s not very different from going swimming together. The biggest difference I can think of is knowing what everyone does about body hair and the details of genital appearance. Ir’s rude to stare though 🙂

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            • #4594
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                So, someone posted this picture of herself online. She says she can leave her bush looking natural because she isn’t going out at present due to the lockdown. Logic dictates that when she goes out, people see her naked. I wonder if she does dares with her friends? (Which is why I added it to this topic here!)

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                • #4595
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                    oh bad, image deleted. I love bushes !

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                    • #4596
                        • Wales, UK
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                        That is the only danger with hotlinking images on other websites.

                      • #4598
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                          Sadly I’ve drawn a blank rediscovering it.

                    • #4691
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                        OK folks, here’s another one to replace the one that went away. It’s a different person this time but she makes essentially the same point, that there’s no point shaving when she’s not going out. The first time I saw this idea, I wondered what sort of parties she was going to (!) but it seems to be a recurring theme. Shaving down below seems to be part of getting ready to go out. Maybe it just feels better that way. Maybe women shave visible arms, legs and other places at the same time so it’s all or nothing. Life for me is an endless series of revelations 🙂

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                      • #4705
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                          Ed’s original post said that lots of people reckon it’s more of a challenge to strip naked in front of people they know. Yes, it’s a lot easier when everyone psyches each other up for it. In one of these pictures, despite this, one of the women does look as if she’s wishing she hadn’t joined in! (If they’ve all had their nipples pierced as some kind of challenge they’ve given themselves, that is a bit extreme though.)

                          In the other one, where they’re all happy, the one on our left (their right) isn’t my sister-in-law but she looks quite a bit like she did a few years ago and this is exactly the sort of thing she’d have done in those days. One of the first times I met her, she flashed her boobs on-stage on a night out to win a bottle of champagney stuff.


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                        • #5103
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                            There must be a happy story behind this photo.

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                          • #5105
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                              Ed’s original comment was that “Lots of people reckon it’s more of a challenge to strip naked in front of people they know” but there is no shortage of photos of groups of friends getting naked together. The much harder thing would be to be the only one stripping naked in front of friends, especially if there’s no excuse other than losing a game or doing a dare. I’ve been trying to think of possible situations from easy to difficult.

                              1. If my friends were helping me do WNBR by coming with me to the start, I could imagine easily stripping in front of them because that would be the purpose of the event.
                              2. If I was called up on stage at a party and I ended up naked for some reason, in front of a group of friends I had come with, that would be more difficult but at least they would be some distance away.
                              3. It would be far more difficult closer up. If I was with a group of friends in a cabaret-style club and there was a prize for the first table to have someone strip naked, would I do it? Perhaps not.

                              I’ve been struggling to find a believable photo of a group of friends where one is naked, and not just a model joining them for the occasion, or a group of models who happen to know each other, but maybe this one? (I hope they’re not burning her as a witch though. They all look quite happy about it so I guess not.)


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                            • #5106
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                                Another problem with “naked amongst friends” experiments is when your so-called friends leave you there! This was me killing two birds with one stone – the lightest possible bondage and being outside in the rain. It was more a case of being left out in the rain, as you can see. It turns out that a couple of turns of gaffer tape can be escaped from but it takes a few minutes. so if anyone fancies being left in an exposed place, unable to cover up quickly in an emergency, I now know a way of achieving this. You just need a very quiet corner in a park, some gaffer tape, and a mischievous assistant.

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                                • #5108
                                    • Berkshire UK
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                                    Excellent work! Just be grateful that hands were in front….

                                    Ed and like this

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