Mountain Butts

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    • #17635
        • Israel
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        Ed forgive me and delete if this is inappropriate talk of other sites.

        Years ago I discovered the website mtnbabes (not linking, but you can find it easily enough) which is about mountain hiking and women’s empowerment. Their gimmick is short descriptions of a hike with a photo or two of a woman or several women standing triumphantly at a summit or lookout. Usually they are topless from behind, so not showing nipples or faces. Occasionally showing butts. I thought it was a lot of fun and inspirational (also sexy, tbh).

        Unfortunately that site is no longer actively producing content. But it inspired me to try similar shots of myself standing nude triumphantly at similar places, and it’s quite exhilarating. I’m thinking of starting something for these kinds of shots, maybe with brief stories of hikes. For all genders (I’m male). It looks like Tumblr might be the way to go, though I’ve never really used it before.

        Is this something people would be interested in following or contributing to? Because it’s from the back and only showing rear nudity and no faces, maybe it would be more comfortable for reluctant MDL posters to try. Would it be appropriate to add a link here?


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      • #17637
          • Wales, UK
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          Tumblr seems to have had a highly changeable attitude to nudity. I used to run a Tumblr account but even though it only had implied nudity (no nipples or worse), Tumblr locked my account as adult content so 90+% of users could not see it.

          I don’t think the site (assuming I found the right one) is serious competition, so I have no objection to you posting the link.

          It’s an interesting idea, especially if some people here are interested in giving it a go.

          Diana and Dutch Penn like this

        • #17639
            • Israel
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            Thanks, Ed. I’m still figuring out tumblr, so I might be using it wrong or whatever. But from what I can tell so far they (currently) have a very liberal attitude to nudity.

            Anyway, my stuff is here:

            People can contribute by signing up for a tumblr account and posting with the tag #mountainbutts. Or if you’d prefer, you can PM me your contributions and permission and I’ll post them on tumblr myself. BTW, they don’t necessarily have to feature mountains. Just your own nude butt in nature. Have fun!

            Diana, Dutch Penn and NakedMadCat like this

          • #17640
              • Manchester UK
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              Why not share your here as well, and see if anyone wants to join in?

              Ed, Beace, Diana and 1 more person like this

            • #17672
                • Israel
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                Here’s a sample post:

                Pansheti pool

                mountain butt

                Before we visited Georgia, we learned of this hidden place in the mountains. Just a short drive or hike from the popular Kazbegi town centre, there’s an outdoor rectangular pool that’s continually filled with clean, naturally bubbly mineral water.

                It was a warm day and the water was cold and refreshing. I convinced my travel buddy to go for a dip, which we suited up for. But something about the view inspired me to grab a cheeky shot before getting dressed.

                Our Georgian driver thought I was crazy, but he was thoroughly amused and didn’t stop talking about it the rest of the day. I don’t know if the Russian couple camping there noticed or cared, but other than them we had the place to ourselves.

                Ed and Diana like this

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