More community supporter content?

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    • #17689
        • Wales, UK
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        Would a substantial increase in the quantity of Community Supporter content here on NakedExperiment persuade you to become a Community Supporter (via Patreon)?

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      • #17696
          • Cheshire, England
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          I will rejoin the Patreon soon, I just need to remember to do it at the start of tbe month when I like most payments to go out.

          I usually watch the videos, but turn off the art ones if they are too pretentious

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          • #17697
              • Wales, UK
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              It wouldn’t just be videos, I’m thinking photos and articles too, and maybe even some photosets from

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          • #17757
              • Wales, UK
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              Any interest in the photosets? I thought that would at least stir up some replies (for and against), but nothing!

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            • #17759
                • Cheshire, England
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                I remembered to rejoin earlier today

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                • #17760
                    • Wales, UK
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                    Cool. Thank you! Much appreciated 🙂

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                • #17783
                    • Wales, UK
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                    My three big aims are:

                    • Increase the number of supporters.
                    • Encourage some of our female members to participate in dares or events.
                    • Get more people to vote in the Vote-Offs.

                    I’m not making much (any) headway on any of these but I suspect they are related. If the ladies would participate in the MDL or Vote-Offs, it would attract a LOT more members to stay in the community (many leave because of the lack of females). If our community increased in size, we would probably gain more supporters. If ladies took part in the Vote-Off, it would attract a LOT more votes.

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                  • #17849
                      • Wales, UK
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                      I really thought this thread would kick off a big debate.

                    • #17850
                        • Manchester UK
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                        I guess most visitors to the group only want to see free photo content of naked people and don’t want to talk, interact, upload their own photos, vote and definitely don’t want to pay.

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                        • #17851
                            • Wales, UK
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                            Sadly, very true.

                        • #17931
                            • Wales, UK
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                            I’m wondering about making Vote-Off voting a supporter-only feature.

                            • #17934
                                • Wales, UK
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                                No objections? No support? It’s been almost three days and no reaction.


                                I’m wondering about revamping the whole site again. I know I said a few years ago that would not happen, but I’m willing to give it one more go. I’ll probably start a new topic where we can discuss where to go with this, but I’m concerned there’s no interest in going forward with this?

                                • #17948
                                    • Wales, UK
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                                    I’m putting together a (very) loose plan for a revamp. It will include more types of content for supporters and I’m trying to work out hosting more stuff directly on my server (to maintain control – too many embedded videos disappear after a few weeks).

                                    My aims will be:

                                    • Focusing activity on fewer pages (both to ease navigation and make it seem busier).
                                    • Simplifying page layout and making it more mobile “friendly”.
                                    • Less maintenance work for me (fewer plugins would be an advantage).
                                    • A broader range of relevant content.
                                    • Better presentation for Master Dare List to cope with more dares and participants.

                                    It would be great to get some feedback or suggestions. The site has to be smaller and simpler.

                                    NakedMadCat likes this

                                  • #17950
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      Should I reduce the forum to just one topic (ie general or misc), or get rid of it altogether?

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                                    • #17953
                                        • England (London)
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                                        Ed: Should I reduce the forum to just one topic (ie general or misc), or get rid of it altogether?

                                        With the present low traffic, a single topic should be adequate. But:

                                        • if experiments were ever to resume, there might be sense in keeping a separate topic for it
                                        • events would also make sense as a separate topic, if it were being used regularly

                                        I tried posting an event a couple of months ago, but it never appeared. The site informed me it “required moderation” and the event was probably a couple of days later, so quite possibly was too late for that.

                                      • #17952
                                          • England (London)
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                                          I’ve not tried to use the site on mobile.

                                          On desktop, I can see a problem that may be contributing to low participation, but it’s probably inherent in the forum software and not something you’re doing yourself.

                                          With most forums there is a clear way to see all new posts since the last visit. That could be either that:

                                          • there is a specific mechanism to show all unread posts, or
                                          • new posts always appear at the bottom of a thread, preferably with a selective quote and a backward and forward link and the option to display in sequential or threaded order

                                          I’ve not found a way of turning off the threading here and the Latest Activity section shows at most one post per thread rather than all unread posts. That means:

                                          • If a person who has not been here for a few days comes back and clicks on one of the Latest Activity links, they will be taken to the newest post in that thread.
                                          • Unless they scroll up after reading that post, they will not see any other new posts on that thread.
                                          • And worse, if there are new replies to old posts, they’re unlikely to spot them at all because they will be buried in the middle of old posts several screens back

                                          The result is that the site, to occasional visitors, probably appears even less busy than it actually is. And if a new visitor replies to multiple posts in the same thread on the same day, most repeat visitors will probably only find the newest one of those replies.

                                          I’ve no idea how that can be solved with the present software, unless there’s some hidden feature that’s not presently being used that can display all unread posts to a returning participant.

                                          Ed: Focusing activity on fewer pages (both to ease navigation and make it seem busier).

                                          We have forum pages and blogs. The user interface for replying to blogs is different from replying to forum pages.


                                          • blog replies cannot contain images. I’m not sure whether that’s inherent in the software, or something you have chosen.
                                          • blogs don’t show up under Latest Activity but instead appear under separate headings Latest Blog Posts and Latest Blog Comments.
                                          • blogs appear prominently on the site’s home page, even if they have no recent participation, but forum threads appear only with less visibility in the Latest Activity panel and therefore show up only if they have recent participation

                                          My thoughts:

                                          • Could blogs be posted as threads (or threads be posted as blogs) so that they all use the same user interface for replies? And/or …
                                          • Could the site home page be dynamically generated according to recent participation, so that threads and blogs both show up equally, with the recently replied threads and blogs be shown at the top?




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                                        • #17958
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                                            There is an activity page (which is switched off right now) which lists every event in the community in date order (but NOT forum posts). It works well with the groups (which we dropped a few years ago), blog and comments, but given the current areas of the site, it seemed largely pointless.

                                            The updates pane (near the top on the right column) is supposed to link to each post in order (with the new post count reducing each time you click). It’s never been reliable, but I’ve never found a replacement.

                                            User photo posts may have to go or be controlled in some other way anyway. If users post things they shouldn’t, it might be hours before I find out and, in the meantime, I can lose my billing service or even the entire site.

                                            I’m not sure I understand the homepage comment. The homepage is the blog. That is dynamically generated. I’ve tried to surround it with links etc. to the forums and other content in the site.

                                            There’s no way to add photos to blog comments.

                                            The current forum system is the one created for the site script (so works best) but it is fairly basic. I’ve tried 4 different forum systems over the years. The more advanced ones are a lot harder to set up and administer and usually have problems of their own. The one currently in use was the only one which worked with the permissions system (which makes the Community Supporter thing possible).

                                            My main complaint about the current system is complexity. It’s enormous, options all over the place in over a dozen plugins and very hard to maintain. Every time there are updates to those plugins we gain or lose compatibility problems. There are a few plugins I would love to add but they just don’t work with the current mix.

                                          • #17965
                                              • Manchester UK
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                                              Just my humble opinion but alongside the MDL a couple of galleries, one for less daring challenges, perhaps setting the occasional theme that can be done in a less public or challenging environment and obviously nude but not exposing genitals for those on the shy side. For example, on another group we’ve just done open doors and next challenge is stairs or steps. And one for people to post selfies, again learning to do implied nudes for the shyer ones.

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                                            • #17966
                                                • Manchester UK
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                                                Implied nude

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                                              • #17968
                                                  • Wales, UK
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                                                  It’s an interesting idea, but probably more suited to a weekly or monthly dare setup. I’m not sure I can add something like that into the MDL. However, I’m currently trying to redesign the results table so it’s better suited to more columns and rows and works better on smaller screen devices. I might be able to work something out. I’m wondering about losing the grid and instead having one big cell per participant with a list of all their entries in just the one box.

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                                            • #17954
                                                • England (London)
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                                                Placeholder for a test message

                                              • #17955
                                                  • England (London)
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                                                  To demonstrate what I was saying a couple of posts back, I posted that “placeholder” after my two previous posts.

                                                  If I now go back to the Latest Activity, I see:


                                                  But clicking on More community support content will take me to my placeholder and will not show the unread posts I made a few minutes earlier.


                                                  You must be logged in to view attached files.

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                                                  • #17957
                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                      The Latest Activity widget is an add on. By default, the forum system only has the standard forums list (in the order they are defined – not the order posted). Even the live update popups on the left side of the browser (Bubbles) are an add on. I really wish I could increase the time they stay on screen but there’s no controls for that.

                                                  • #17960
                                                      • Wales, UK
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                                                      • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                                                      I should probably start a new thread for the potential redesign of the site. I’ve taken us a little off-topic here as this was supposed to be about increasing the Community Supporter content.

                                                    • #18689
                                                        • Wales, UK
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                                                        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                                                        I’m still considering more supporter content (even though feedback has been thin on this subject), but modifying the rest of site will come first.

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