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Ladies how much would you NEED to be paid to take part in a naked experiment.
I know a few of you ladies are tempted to take part but need something extra to tip you into actually doing it. What would it take (as a minimum) to make the difference? This isn't how much you want, but how much would persuade you to take part.
- £25
- £50
- £100
- £200
- More
- This topic has 41 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by
15th December 2024 at 9:23 pm #19699
17th December 2024 at 10:08 pm #19734
I probably should have said “Please comment with an amount” for the bottom option.
Also, maybe a “No amount would persuade me” option too?
Diana likes this
25th December 2024 at 6:14 am #19753
3rd January 2025 at 5:37 pm #19779
Some of the “women” aren’t women, but then I know there’s a few “men” who are actually women. Rather than encouraging more women to join, I’m more concerned about getting the women we have to visit more often. Most of them visit less than once per month and I’ve often heard the claim that they would interact more if other women interacted more too. We keep getting stuck in vicious circles…
4th January 2025 at 9:51 pm #19781
I run two naturist facebook groups and am also part of naturist admin group that basically warns us all of sex pests.
It is of course different to here, but all us admins agree on five red flags that scares women off.
1. Content & comments that is one sided to seeing women naked.
2. Comments that make women uncomfortable eg sexist, turning conversation to sex, etc
3. Contacting women privately without permission.
4. Private messaging that pesters women or making inappropriately eg turning conversation to sex, sending dick pics, asking naked photos
5. Photos submitted to group by naked men (even if censored) that are suggestive eg open legged, the groin is the focal point, erect. Semi erect, etc
4th January 2025 at 10:57 pm #19782
13th January 2025 at 9:23 pm #19838
19th February 2025 at 4:08 pm #20152
11th March 2025 at 11:14 am #20226
11th March 2025 at 12:32 pm #20232
Are you talking about the private experiments that you have advertised as costing to join? So the men pay and the women get paid? That has a huge ick factor.
11th March 2025 at 1:09 pm #20233
I agree, paying women would probably be going too far, but it’s a case of desperate situations sometimes requiring unexpected solutions.
In other situations (not necessarily involving nudity) where there’s an insoluble imbalance I have seen reduced ticket prices for women or sometimes even mixed couples.
That too seemed odd at first, but the alternative is that activities that were intended to be open to all unintentionally become “men only”.
Paying women would probably be giving completely the wrong impression, and would if anything be likely to attract the wrong people. But somehow, we do need a good way to attract the right people, and that’s something we’re not able to find at the moment.
11th March 2025 at 2:01 pm #20235
I don’t see details of any experiments since experiment 3 which was years ago. Am I missing something?
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 9:01 pm #20249
There have been 5 experiment sessions. 4 went wrong and has never been written up (I can’t justify charging anything for it). Participants in 5 refused permission to have it written up.
For the last year+ several have looked promising but none have gone as far as actually happening. When 6 happens, I will probably number it 4 to keep the reports sequential.
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 9:16 pm #20252
I filled in an experiment survey years ago, but don’t know if it is current. Could you let me know if you have a current application from me please?
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 10:22 pm #20270
Sorry, I can’t find one. To be honest, unless a few women contact me interested in taking part, I’m not likely to be checking through the list anyway 🙁
I’ve spoken to lots of women who would like to take part but simply aren’t daring enough. Participation is completely anonymous in the reports etc, but most of the women I’ve discussed it with are seriously concerned someone they know might find out.
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 9:32 pm #20256
Roughly where in the country are your venues that you have used? Your application section just says closed at the moment. Is there something else being planned?
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 9:43 pm #20259
It’s closed because I have 200+ men on the list and 3 women. Of those 3, I’m only in contact with one of them, and she will only do a single-gender experiment.
I’ve had far more success with groups of people who already know each other applying to take part. It’s much easier to organise too. In two experiment sessions the venue was also provided by the people taking part.
All the venues have been along the M4 corridor so far, mostly South East Wales.
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 9:38 pm #20257
I’m not into pushing stuff on other people, so quite a few of the MDL list seem in bad taste to me. I think I enjoy nudity but am so new to the idea (stumbled on a naturist beach abroad and was intrigued). The written up, but not photographed experiments look interesting. I’m in Northern England, but if a venue was too close then I wouldn’t dare come in case you tried to drive me home naked!
11th March 2025 at 9:52 pm #20263
Already knowing other participants would not be my idea of how this works.
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 9:55 pm #20264
11th March 2025 at 9:56 pm #20266
So the “ladies participation” thread is partly a “closed to men, but still need women?”
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 10:00 pm #20268
I’m not sure what you’re saying there. It’s a poll which was suggested somewhere else in a previous discussion. A new thread was required as polls can only be put in the first post in the thread. Free entry for women and paying women has been suggested many, many times, but we wanted to find out if it was even viable.
Diana likes this
11th March 2025 at 10:33 pm #20273
I think I’m basically asking something that I see you have already answered. There’s no current plan to sign people up for something this year?
Diana likes this
12th March 2025 at 8:23 am #20287
I’m always trying to get the next experiment going. I’ve got one group in early “negotiations”, but I’m unsure how serious they are. The last two groups I hoped would go ahead fell through at the last moment.
The common trend is that everyone in a group is keen all the way through the planning, but when we begin organising times and locations it suddenly feels too real for some of them and people begin to drop out. That makes other people drop out too and then it falls apart.
I keep trying though.
Diana likes this
12th March 2025 at 9:04 am #20288
Well you have my details (although I realise I would need to give you full name and ID in the event it works out).<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>
I’m early 50s, very unused to anything like this, somewhat overweight and would need to keep it a complete secret.
12th March 2025 at 3:34 pm #20305
Nothing about you isn’t entirely suitable for the experiments, @Julie. You should have no worries there.
Participants are completely anonymous (unless we could get a group together who ALL don’t want to be anonymous).
We need to find another couple of ladies in the UK who want to take part.
John likes this
12th March 2025 at 10:41 am #20290
I would also be up for an experiment, if you can get one going, it would be nice if you prioritised people that have been active, or are patreons. However, the people that are currently active sort of know each other, and I would understand if that idea didn’t make everyone feel comfortable.
12th March 2025 at 12:01 pm #20292
Honestly, although I can’t stop thinking about this idea, I probably would back out in the end. It can’t be done impulsively. It requires too much planning and travelling.
I’m currently keeping this while thing a secret. My husband simply knows that I went naked on holiday and would like to do it again.
I think I’ll go topless on holiday now, which is hardly radical, but new for me.
There probably won’t be any photographs of the occasion.
I’m still interested to talk on here. The whole area intrigues me. -
13th March 2025 at 2:24 pm #20320
If I eventually get to the point where I could discuss this honestly with my husband then I might be back with a chance of going through with it. At the moment, I feel like I have a toxic secret.
Diana likes this
14th March 2025 at 10:09 am #20328
With your recent diagnosis of a life long condition, you may be able to get some counselling.
Provided it is consensual, not exploitative, and doesn’t involve children, animals, or anything too weird or extreme, pretty much any sexual practice between consenting adults is fine and normal.
Wanting to be seen naked by others is very much at the mild end of kink, again if consensual. Whether it’s an exhibitionist streak, or getting a kick from shame or humiliation, it’s perfectly normal. The same with fantasies. Pretty much everyone has them, some can be made real if a partner is interested, more extreme ones could be managed by consensual roleplay.
Nothing you are thinking is not normal, apart from that it’s sinful in some way.
I’m no expert, but it sounds like you may have taken too literally some of the stuff ingrained as a child.
14th March 2025 at 2:26 pm #20330
14th March 2025 at 10:41 pm #20331
I almost completely agree with John apart for the Sinful bit. It’s only a sin if you are religious. And even then I question if it really is even a sin.
I kept re writing this with religious text or reasonings but I think that’s takes the conversation too deep and John said enough.
If its consensual and legal then it’s ok.
Based on how many sites like this one there are where people talk about consensual nudity in different ways I think it’s also very normal to have these feelings/fantasy’s/desires we all have.I bet way more people have these fantasies but just don’t talk about them because they think it’s taboo.
Live for this life cause no one knows if another is coming, when your at the end, regret the stuff you did not and not the stuff you didn’t
15th March 2025 at 10:43 am #20332
I was referring to Julie’s thoughts that what she was thinking was somehow sinful. Glad I’m being agreed with 🙂 , I do have doubts sometimes that basic nudity is a bit weird, but these taboos have been shoved down our throats since we were school age.
Actually, thinking about it, the bible says that artificial fabrics are sinful. Best go naked then 🙂
16th March 2025 at 10:45 am #20345
Julie, if you talk with him honestly, you might find that your husband is ok with you enjoying public nudity. You might even find that he’s more than ok with it, if you include him. Some heterosexual men enjoy the thought of their partners being seen, or enjoy watching them being seen.
My wife is ok with nudity but it doesn’t do much for her (I love it). She also hates beaches and I love them. She’s perfectly ok with me going nude at a nude beach as long as I’m honest about where I am and what I’m doing. Occasionally, she’ll join me. When she doesn’t join me, she is intrigued by me telling her about it. It’s all about trust.
16th March 2025 at 12:11 pm #20348
There are plenty of nudist beaches in the UK, and clothing is usually optional.
Why not see if your husband would be up for visiting one with you, and he could remain clothed if he wished.
Some of those naked heart walks are also clothing optional to encourage people to bring along partners who don’t wish to undress.
You would have a level of protection, he could see that you are doing nothing sinful or pornographic, and he may enjoy it.
Although I’m currently single, I always used to enjoy a partner being seen by others, and felt pride in having a partner who could turn heads.
My ex wife used to have a swimsuit that went completely see through when wet, she must have known, but I never raised the subject in case she stopped wearing it 🙂
You said he knows you want to get naked again, so suggesting an event and encouraging him to be with you may help to get a more open conversation going. he may say no of course but if you don’t ask…
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