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    • #17546
        • Wales, UK
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        Ladies, would you be more at ease taking part in the Master Dare List if there were a lot more photos posted on the result table from female participants?

        Is the massive imbalance of male to female participants putting you off?

        Is there anything else that might encourage you to take part?

        Diana and NakedMadCat like this

      • #17551
          • United States
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          A lot of my hesistancy comes from myself, though if there was more female participation I think it would indeed ease it up.

          Jim, NakedMadCat, Ed and 2 more people like this

          • #17554
              • Wales, UK
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              I think so too, but someone needs to get the ball rolling…

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          • #17560
              • Israel
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              Diana, I think most of us males were hesitant at first too. I spent weeks considering posting photos before I did. Now I’m very glad I did post, and keep looking for ways to get more MDL entries checked off. It’s an awesome feeling!

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            • #17570
                • Wales, UK
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                How are we going to get some female participation in the Vote-Offs?

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                • #17587
                    • United States
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                    I’m curious, with out going into crazy detail, how many women are currently active here? I have seen Diane participating a ton but really haven’t seen others.

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                    • #17588
                        • Wales, UK
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                        I know of three regulars who are female and about twice that who visit occasionally. Two of those use male profiles (and no I won’t reveal who) so they don’t get hassled.

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                      • #17589
                          • United States
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                          Gotcha, and understandable. I’m a stats nerd who loves un-seen background numbers

                          Ed likes this

                    • #17590
                        • Manchester UK
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                        I’m on a couple of nudist groups with a couple of, er, alleged, female members, two of whom post photos of themselves. I believe one of them is real. I have posted a link to here a couple of times but they never respond to it, with a comment or even a thumbs up emoji. We can but keep trying.

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                      • #17593
                          • United States
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                          I wonder if posting them as Anon (and go Anon 1, Anon 2, etc) would help? I’m assuming two of the issues are A, they dont want to have 10,000 dm’s from guys. And B, body confidence may not be there just yet, and being named Anon makes it so it’s them in the pictures but not really them? Interested in your thoughts of my assumptions Diana

                          Diana and ptHarry like this

                          • #17594
                              • United States
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                              I’ll send you a DM about it! 🙂

                          • #17750
                              • Wales, UK
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                              The more I think about this, the more I come to the inescapable conclusion that female participants are instrumental to the success of this community. We’re constantly stuck in the catch-22 where no women will be the first to participate because other women are not participating. Meanwhile, the community is limping along with most new visitors not sticking around because no women are participating and there isn’t much activity. There won’t be much activity if new visitors don’t stick around.

                              I’ve tried all sorts of things, but I can’t seem to break either of those loops.

                              Diana likes this

                            • #17751
                                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                I have to admit it’s rather disappointing that this website has been inactive lately. I got a new computer back in like February and that took a while before I could figure out how to get my password and everything to work on the new computer and I thought that now that it had been four months since I had been here that it would take forever to catch up on everything but in the entire time I was gone there was only like one page of new posts more or less. It is kind of hard to attract attention to something like this I think I think a lot of people are sort of awkward about participating on a website involving nudity. But it’s true that in almost any community like this there is going to be a preponderance of men over women, that’s true almost everywhere on the Internet.

                                Diana likes this

                                • #17752
                                    • Wales, UK
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                                    I post a minimum of 14 forum posts per week. I also try to average 1 blog post per week (although that varies between 0 and 5).

                                    ptHarry, Diana and Arthur like this

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