Ideas for next dare challenge.

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Ideas for next dare challenge.

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    • #2833
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        It’s been suggested that we should run a weekly dare challenge in a forum which is not open to the public. Only participants would be given access. That way the post results will not be publicly visible. The idea is this will encourage people who are worried about their photo being public to take part and maybe build to more daring things as they experience more.

        I know some people do the dares precisely because their photos are visible to the general public (in a limited degree as only people who visit the site are going to find them).

        It’s possible to run two dare challenges at the same time, but if I split participants it will probably reduce the number playing in each. What to do?? Any ideas?

      • #2839
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          • Ace Poster

          If I didn’t accept the possibility that an image would be shared, I wouldn’t post it at all. It’s possible I’d be more adventurous in some ways (more explicit poses perhaps???) if the intended audience was just participants but I don’t really know yet. I’d still assume the image could potentially be shared more widely, but at least I’d know that I’d originally posted it for a specific reason.

          It would be a different experiment. We’ve now done an experiment about how far people will go with a general audience.  If we tried limiting the audience to just participants, the new experiment would be about how far people will go with a limited audience.

          It would be interesting to know what stopped people, including me, doing the delivery dare. For me, the reason was that I didn’t want to involve a stranger in what I was doing. My speculation is that if a naked woman came to the door, the delivery person would assume it was a dare and congratulate her. If a naked man came to the door, I wonder if the delivery person would see it as an aggressive act

        • #2841
            • Wales, UK
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            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

            I read somewhere, years ago, that members of the public are four times more likely to make a complaint about a naked man than a naked woman, and that includes women.

          • #2842
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              • Ace Poster

              I don’t know how professional Yougov is as an opinion poll organisation but they’re certainly widely quoted. Here are their brief comments on nakedness from 2014. The male and female figures are different but not enormously so.


              And slightly off-topic, I found this when I was looking for opinion poll results…


              Eric Dom and Ed like this

            • #2843
                • Wales, UK
                • Topics: 585
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                • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                Good finds there, especially the second one. Thank you!

                I’ve added the PDF file to our links page.

                Eric Dom likes this

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