How many of you have explored outdoors naked?

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    • #8060
        • Wales, UK
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        There are many reasons for this (a dare, bucket list, a forfeit, nude charity event etc.).


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      • #8083
          • Cheshire, England
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          I once got up for the loo about 7am, realised it was bin day and I hadn’t put it out, put the bin out, went back inside.

          Only then did I realise I was still naked!

          So accidentally yes, apart from sunbathing in the garden, otherwise no.

          I’ll have to put that right, getting slowly braver

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        • #8523
            • Cambridgeshire, UK
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            I have (plenty of evidence available) but  only after ensuring nobody else is around.  This is why I’d love to take part in an outside Naked Experiment

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          • #8608
              • Wales, UK
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              I would love to get an outdoor experiment going. Having done some reconnaissance, I think it would have to take place pretty early in the morning because it opens many more possibilities.

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              • #10263
                  • Berkshire UK
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                  Up for an early start fir an outdoor naked experiment. I have , with a group of others, been photographed at the Angel of the North…. All of us nude, about 6am….

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              • #10261
                  • Alabama, US
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                  I have on a limited basis. I’ve gone naked on a few hiking trails or found a wooded spot and made my on trail. It is a bit exhilarating.

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                • #10262
                    • East Sussex
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                    Not done any exploring, but did visit Studland earlier this year, didn’t ever think I would get naked on a beach before joining here. got me pushing my boundaries.

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                  • #10264
                      • Long Island, New York, United States
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                      I haven’t been to explore the outdoors naked as I am not that bold, but something to me about being outside naked makes you feel extra naked, because not only are you naked and exposed but you are naked and exposed to the elements and to the entire world. Being naked in nature I feels more primal in general than just being naked at home as you are open to the entire world in that situation.

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                    • #10270
                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                        Being naked outside is very different to naked inside.  There’s all the elements (sun, wind, rain if you’re unlucky) which all makes it feel a more “real” experience.  The possibility of being caught also adds a very real dimension.  I have managed to walk around naked (wearing shoes) for nearly 10 mins after checking there was nobody  else around and it is very exhilarating.
                        For myself, the next step is to be naked outdoors with other clothed people around (not not just those in the experiment).

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                        • #10271
                            • Wales, UK
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                            Interactions with people not involved (as in expecting nudity) are fraught with risk as you can never really predict how they will react. Most people are fine, but some will be offended, others scared and some angry. Very few are likely to make a complaint but some can take the nudity as an invitation for teasing, humiliation or touching.

                            For outdoor/public experiments, I will ensure we have a “getaway” people-carrier nearby. There shouldn’t be any problems but if things go pear-shaped, it’s good to have a backup plan.

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                        • #10272
                            • Long Island, New York, United States
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                            Another good point that these bring up is the fact that when you are outside you don’t know who necessarily you are going to encounter. so anyone could end up catching you naked, which makes it even more intimidating. It’s one thing being naked in your own backyard but being out in public naked like that out in the wilderness like that you could end up running into anybody and you don’t know how they are going to react to your nudity.

                            So even if you live in an area where outdoor nudity & public nudity is allowed you still don’t know exactly how people are going to respond to you, and that makes it even more intimidating. Not only are you out there naked in the elements but you are very much exposed and you are not as well hidden and basically anyone can come up to you and approach you and you would have to be prepared for that.

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                          • #10277
                              • USA
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                              I’ve had several opportunities to explore the outdoors while naked.  A favorite was to go to a nude beach, I’d shed my clothes at one end of the beach, and hike about a mile to the other end.  There were a lot of rocks to climb on and tide pools to explore.  Sometimes climb the dune or the cliff to get a better view, or to provide a better view of me! The feeling of sun and breeze on bare skin was sensual and exhilarating, and the mere thought of being more than a mile from clothing, shoes, keys, wallet, etc was exciting indeed.  But no one would be shocked coming across a naked person on a nude beach.

                              As well, I’ve hiked on trails nude, which adds the excitement of being naked where perhaps you shouldn’t, and the risk of being seen.

                              And perhaps riskiest of all, several times, on warm nights, I’ve taken naked walks in the neighborhood – down my driveway to the street, down the block to the intersection and back again.  Very exciting – my senses feel alive, and any sound no matter how soft -sends the nerves racing!  Cars can approach quickly, and here in the desert are limited places to hide.  I guess I’d be the subject of some neighborhood gossip, but I think the neighbors suspect I’m a nudist anyway…



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                            • #10369
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                                It has been many years ago, now, but I have experimented with nudist activities and found it very enjoyable.  My first big challenge I committed to was a stay at a nudist resort where I didn’t wear a stitch of clothing for three full days, wandered about the grounds, played pool volleyball, and even dined with nothing more that shoes.  I did always have a towel, required for sitting on rather than for covering up, which gave a little sense of security.  At another nudist resort, I shopped nudw in the gift shop and went on a small group hike which was a lot of fun.  I’ve also been to my local clothing optional beach.  The scary part of that, as someone going alone, is the possibility of  someone swiping my clothes and keys while going in the water.   So, the only time I ever wandered too far was when there was a nudist coup event and I staked my spot pretty close to them which made it feel a little more safe.  There is a huge difference being nude in those situations, where you don’t have to worry so much about being accepted but even there as a man there by myself, I did sometimes feel suspect.  But, it definitely feels so much better to be nude outdoors, with the sun and wind on your bare skin, and I try to be at least shirtless as much as possible, although I have always been very timid, about even that, and still struggle in very public settings.

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                              • #10402
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                                  Me, once, when I was younger and thinner. I didn’t drive in those days so had caught a train out to a National Trust park.  It was the height of summer, very warm, and I spent the hot afternoon exploring the property and grounds.  I was surprised that it wasn’t actually that busy? It was a week-day and was perhaps maybe too hot. I walked to a remote part of the park and sat in some long grass to rest under a tree.  It was a glorious day.  As I lay there completely alone and out of sight, head resting on my rucksack, I slipped off my trainers.  I reached down and slipped off my socks, too.  I felt very aroused. I looked about to make sure I couldn’t be seen and then undid my belt then unbuttoned my jeans.  Anxiously looking around I unzipped them, then kind of wiggled them down over my hips and over my bare feet.  This was almost too much – such a risk?  But the grass was long and I was in a remote part of the park.  I took a deep breath then slid my T-shirt over my head, leaving my lying there in just my underwear.  Over the course of about 30 minutes I had indulged in a risky public striptease, slowly taking my clothes off.  But was  I brave enough to strip completely nude?  I was virtually erupting out of my underwear anyway.  One last check and I slipped them off, now quite naked.  It was exhilarating as I ran my hands over my skin and massaged my erection, my discarded clothes scattered around me in the grass. I was so tempted to masturbate but decided that was just too risky so reluctantly pulled my clothes back on, returning home thrilled and excited.  What if I’d been caught?  I never did anything like that ever again but I remember it fondly.

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                                  • #12512
                                      • United States
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                                      That sounds like enormous fun….risky and erotic.  I would have helped you out of your clothes!  CMNM is a fantasy of mine!

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                                      • #12513
                                          • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                          Mine too, I would definitely let you take my clothes off.

                                          Naked in the sun is amazing, and for the wind and the rain actually,  as long as it’s not too cold

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                                        • #12515
                                            • United States
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                                            Stripping a man out of his soaked clothes?  How intriguing!?

                                      • #10537
                                        Jeffery Curt
                                          • Seattle Washington USA
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                                          Years ago, my girlfriend at the time and I were driving across the Cascade Mountains during the summer when we decided to stop at the peak of Snoqualmie Pass and hike around the deserted for the season ski resort there. After getting a distance from the highway, I took off all of my clothes while she remained dressed. Although I was visible from the highway you would have needed binoculars to be able to recognize me or even be sure that I was naked at that distance. We hiked around for quite awhile and it was exhilarating. Although I’m frequently naked outdoors at our local nude beaches, that was the only time that I truly went exploring outdoors naked.

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                                        • #12517
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                                            I’ve been naked in public quite a few times but exploring is a broad term.


                                            Never really gone for a long walk as such but I did recently play a game with the other half. We have a long footpath nearby it probably takes 20 minutes from one end to the other to walk it. Its a mud path with trees and hedgerow all along it. The path start at the end of a long private road and finishes on the corner of a very rural backroad which is not used much.

                                            I have a fantasy about this path for another day but the other half doesn’t drive making it difficult to do. That’s a story for another day though.


                                            Last time out we walked about half down this path to a long straight bit probably 400 meters long or so. At the start of this path she stopped, I had to walk until until she told me to stop. When stopped remove one piece of clothing and leave it there. From there continue walking away until she said stop again and repeat this until naked. Started with shoes, then socks, then t shirt, them jeans then boxers. Once completely naked i returned to her at the start. My clothes where now spread out pretty much all along the whole 400meters. I then collected each item 1 at a time bringing them back to her. Walking back and forth starting with the nearest items first. Walking along that path naked back and forth so many times and many of them with no chance of really covering up until the last 2 walks was exciting. I left my boxers off when I was getting dressed after collecting all the clothes and left my zip undone on the jeans and my cock and balls hanging out for the walk back to the start of the path.

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                                            • #12518
                                                • United States
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                                                Excellent!  Were you expecting your other half  to initiate this or was it a complete surprise?  And a muddy path?  You must have been filthy dirty (and completely nude)?  And now surely your other half needs to do the same dare/challenge?  It’s only fair!!

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                                            • #12520
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                                                Didn’t get too muddy just feet and ankles really it was ok. The other half doesn’t like taking quite as many risks as I do. About 5 minutes after we finished a bike came along behind us. While it’s not a busy path it does get used.


                                                We do sometimes do stuff but this was a new game, very exciting. We often talk about what we(I really) can do when we are out. It’s always a chance she will come up with something.


                                                We’ve started walking more recently and with the nice weather we hope to be out a lot more we have quite a few nice walks near us so will try to do some more interesting stuff. She will do some stuff but being naked for that length of time is too much for her.

                                                I think from start to finish was about 15 minutes for the strip and collect clothes.  I purposely walked slowly to increase the time.



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                                                • #12521
                                                    • United States
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                                                    Love it!

                                                  • #12524
                                                      • United States
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                                                      Photos definitely next time….especially all your discarded clothes strewn behind you! ???

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                                                      • #12546
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          A photo story (a sequence of photos of key events during the trip) would be fantastic. it would be great to see our more adventurous members detailing their explorations with a series of photos.

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