How far have you travelled outside naked?

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    • #12293
        • Wales, UK
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      • #12304
          • Wales, UK
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          Can anyone beat 5 kilometres?

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          • #12309
              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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              Not sure I could beat 5k, but could be worth seeing just how far.

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          • #12306
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              I’ve just measured my longest distance on a map and I’m very disappointed to announce it was only 500 metres. In my defence, it was an urban area, I was on my own, and I was only allowed a dressing gown with me in case I needed to cover up, but it definitely felt like a lot longer at the time. It was, of course, a dare to walk around the block in the middle of the night, and it was before the days of security lights and CCTV so all I had to do was keep my eyes and ears open enough to try to hide if I needed to. I definitely wouldn’t do it now though. Don’t try this at home, kids.

              Now I come to think of it, though, I wonder if I could plan a longer route through some woodland or other quiet spot.

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              • #12311
                  • Wales, UK
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                  CCTV has made naked dares either much more difficult or much more daring.

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              • #12317
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                  I like a walking or bicycle riding naked through a wooded area nearby, in the pre-dawn hours.  I think it would be 2.5 km at most.

                  Last week , I drove in the car naked for almost 2 hours.  Part of the trip was through a city.  I had a towel handy for cover but didn’t need it.

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                  • #12320
                      • Wales, UK
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                      Over 2km is impressive.

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                  • #12323
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                      Walking – it’s probably over 10 miles. There are a number of naturist hikes you can do in the UK. They can be a little frustrating.

                      I’ve done solo ones of similar too, eg. drive to the nearest car park to a naturist beach, strip off there and walk to the beach… but they can be a little nerve-wracking as you occasionally walk past someone who is deeply offended…

                      I found it better doing them in Ibiza, just get up at dawn, walk to an off-road path, strip off and spend the rest of the day naked whilst either walking, sunbathing, or taking a skinny dip.

                      Cycling it’s probably around 6 miles as that’s how long one wnbr was.

                      I’ve done naked driving, but feel you are playing russian roulette with the police (although not illegal) So don’t do it anymore.

                      There are naked boat rides in the uk and europe, but never done one.

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                      • #12326
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                          Yes, naked driving isn’t illegal but it does feel like russian roulette. I copied this from a google search result:

                          the warning signs that were missed before Wayne Couzens …
                          30 Sept 2021 — Kent Police has confirmed that an indecent exposure complaint was made in June 2015 by someone who reported seeing a man driving a car naked …

                          Having said that, I had a good day last summer driving naked to a deserted beauty spot where I could sit out in a deckchair and catch up on some reading. I kept a towel with me in case anyone appeared but I had the place to myself.

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                      • #12359
                          • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                          I tried the “How far can I walk naked” and managed just under 1km – I had to dress as there were people in the car park that I was waking next to (see the map).

                          If I had been braver I could have walked around the whole field and easily manager 1.5km.

                          In the interest of openness, I kept my trainers on for physical protection from the cut wheat, stones and other sharps.

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                        • #12361
                            • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                            And a short video of the start of the walk – it was rather open and I felt a little exposed …

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                          • #12403
                              • Wales, UK
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                              If there was any way of verifying this, distance walked naked would be an excellent competition.

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                              • #12404
                                  • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                  One way would be to use a tracker-app (Strava, Fitbit, etc) which would give the distance, along with a video of the naked walker plus a quick 360 at key points to show where you are.

                                  It would be hard to post online due to the size of the video file, but sounds a fun option.

                                  Plus “Bonus Points” for walking in non-nudist areas and areas/time with more chance of “normal” members of the public

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                                  • #12405
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      Great idea, but it sounds like a lot of work for me (in terms of downloading and checking video).

                                      I SO wish this community would make enough money to pay me (anything at all would be a good start!) to work at this full-time. So many things would become possible if I didn’t have to do this as a hobby in what little spare time I have.

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                                    • #12409
                                        • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                        Is there a separate location (maybe dropbox) that could be used and if anyone wants to check someone else’s claim then that’s their choice?

                                        Might also be fun to see/share other people’s naked walk experiences.

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                                      • #12410
                                          • Wales, UK
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                                          I don’t know if any of the cloud-storage systems allow you to have a public upload area?

                                          All the ones I’ve seen just allow one person to upload and as many as you like to download.

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                                        • #12407
                                            • Wales, UK
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                                            Should nudist areas count? Seems too easy to be a dare to me.

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                                          • #12408
                                              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                              Not really, because there’s nothing special about being naked in a naturist area.

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                                        • #12505
                                            • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                                            I went on another walk on Tuesday (early to avoid the heat) and managed 1.3k

                                            There is a map below and a compilation of videos along the walk, including a family of Fallow Deer that appeared about 20m away and I was so surprised that I stood watching them for about 5 mins before I remembered I was completely nude and the main Royal Mail depot about 200m away across open ground (in one of the clips).

                                            I’ll find it difficult to do much longer than 1.3k, but that’s the challenge and the dare.

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                                          • #12639
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                                              This is Beatrice Berry exploring outside (in the first picture). There was an article in yesterday’s Guardian about how naturism is evolving and it used her as an example. I see she’s had to censor her own body, which always seems like a cruel thing to demand. It’s the same on the other examples I’ve attached from the same page. I totally get that slowly revealing someone’s body is a very sexy thing to do, but this definitely isn’t about that. There is no sudden “reveal” scene at the end. It’s just silly rules about what can and can’t be seen. Rant over. They’re nice pictures and they successfully present her view of naturism, around the house and exploring outdoors.

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                                            • #12654
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                                                I’m just having a “life isn’t fair” moment about travelling outside naked. If a woman wants to walk through a forest, feeling a bit daring, and enjoying the fresh air on part of her body that’s normally hidden, all she has to do is take her top off. A man would need to get naked to get the same buzz, and would be accused of “flashing” if he was “caught”. Not fair.

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                                                • #12661
                                                    • Wales, UK
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                                                    Society treats men and women very differently when it comes to nudity.


                                                    There’s also this concept of women should be allowed to reveal as much as they want but if a man is sexually interested, he’s a pervert.

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                                                • #12662
                                                    • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                                    “Society treats men and women very differently when it comes to nudity.

                                                    There’s also this concept of women should be allowed to reveal as much as they want but if a man is sexually interested, he’s a pervert.”

                                                    Exactly, female nudity is seen as the norm, male nudity as an aberration.

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                                                  • #14684
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                                                      Checked my google timeline for last week. I cycled naked just over 11 miles.

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                                                    • #14687
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                                                        I can’t say I have ever done this lol

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                                                      • #14699
                                                          • Cheshire, England
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                                                          Beyond dare pics which have usually been a few yards away from the car, the furthest was about 30 yards and by accident.

                                                          I woke up for the toilet about 7am and realised I hadn’t put the bin out so I did. It was only when I got back in the house that I realised I was naked. (had slippers on) ?

                                                          I don’t know if I was seen, but I certainly could have been, people were up.

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                                                        • #14702
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                                                            I’ve taken longer and longer walks lately. Ive not recorded everything but I have recorded some.

                                                            Ive not travelled as far as some here but it’s not a competition right?


                                                            We have a local park that has a round route from the car park that’s just over 1km I’ve walked that all the way round late at night. This wasn’t as hard as it sounded. I went with the othe half so she held on to my clothes as we went round so I was never very far from them if anything went wrong. I made it from the car back to car with 1 hesitation about half way round. I stripped at the car and handed my clothes to my other half. We then set off from the car park on to the path. This park is kind of away from housing a bit bu there is a village on the other edge. There are many dog walkers from the village who use the park. Stripping in the car park was easy. It was night time and the car park was empty. That doesn’t mean the paths round the park would be though. I set off and walked quite happily for about 400 meters up a path and along the top around a corner. It was dark so I felt comfortable that I wasn’t able to be seen. However we heard voices. 2 ladies walking dogs could be heared somewhere close by. I headed to the bushes and hid for a minute but the voices got quieter so I decided it was safe to carry on my circular walk. The rest of the walk was pretty uneventful until getting back to the car park. Obviously it had been empty when we left but had no idea if it would be when we got back. As we approached my other half kept asking if I wanted to get dressed befor the car and to be honest it did cross my mind a few times. I decided though that I’d set myself a challenge and I wanted to complete it. So I just walked back to the edge of the car park as d did a quick glance before heading back to the car. I opened the boot and got dressed.

                                                            There was another car in the corner of the car park but I didn’t think they were paying me any attention based on the movements of the car.


                                                            Since then I’ve been taking Saturday morning walks. I’ve made it a goal to walk at least a couple of minutes naked on that walk.  There have been som einteredting moments. I found an old track that has a 3 way junction into two fields and back down an old path. I’ll leave that story for another day though

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