How did you do your first dare/challenge!

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion How did you do your first dare/challenge!

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    • #20209
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        Hey Everyone!

        Those who participated in the master dare list or other dare challenge, how were you able to start that first post? Take that first step?


        I am to forward to public testimonies here and even private stories for the more shy (like me) 😅

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      • #20210
          • Cheshire, England
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          I did the naked in the house and garden ones first, so they were fairly easy.

          I don’t have a selfie stick and I’m single, so I quickly realised the actual issue was taking the picture.

          Usually prop the phone up and set a 5 or 10 seconds delay, but had to have a few goes to get it right.

          Helped me for the outdoor pics, although I haven’t done many yet for the master dare, I did some from the original dare list, and practicing with in house pics made the logistics easier for taking pics outside. Something to prop the phone at the right angle, etc.

          The reason I haven’t done the train track dare is that I can find plenty of places to take a picture, but I haven’t found a location yet where I can prop the camera in the right place to get both me and the tracks in the picture.

          Having fun trying though 🙂

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        • #20211
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            Basically, I am a Nudist so being without any clothes feels very natural. Now taking pictures and allowing the world to see me is quite different. I just decided to take the photos and send them in quickly before I could chicken out. I have not tried the more difficult ones yet.

            In the vote off, I was so confident that no one was going to pay to take my clothes off. I just don’t have a body that people would pay to see. I was so confident that I would stay mostly dressed that I pledged I would make a video afterwards showing the end result. That’s why patreon members can now see the video and that I ended up completely butt ass naked! ………….

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          • #20212
              • Cheshire, England
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              Just realised I’ve not answered about how it felt. I’m more embarrassed about physically being naked in front of others who are clothed, taking a picture of myself naked and posting it doesn’t bother me.

              I am slightly embarrassed that you could go straight from this post to the master dare list and look at naked pictures of myself though 🙂

              The outdoor ones, my nerves are never about taking the picture, but about possibly being seen. So plan them, you’ll find at first that you won’t want to be naked for long, until you get more used to it. I’m sure for example all the neighbours will have seen me naked, I sunbathe regularly naked in the garden, but I’ve never seen them see me, and I would be embarrassed.

              <span style=”text-align: center;”>Why not try the easier underwear shots, or the house and garden Diana, see how you felt about taking them. Have a look at them, and get used to the idea that you’ve taken naked pictures of yourself. </span>

              Then think about whether you could send in. I’m sure ed would pixelate your face if you wished, but just taking the pictures is a bigger first step than you think, and may give you the courage to publish yourself in all your glory.

              Don’t forget, it’s extremely unlikely that anyone you know in the US will come across this site, so there’s little risk of being seen by someone who knows you in real life.

              The shop changing room is the next step I’d say. Make sure the flash is off, that might be a giveaway, but we all get most of our clothes off in fitting rooms with only a door or a curtain between ourselves and exposure without even thinking about it.

              Envisioning it might help. Have a good look through the master dare list pictures, and put yourself in our shoes. How would it feel if it was you naked in the pictures, and me looking?

              Hope this helps and you eventually join us in there 🙂

              Diana, ptHarry and Ed like this

            • #20213
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                Near all i had done before the master dare list began. Just been patient.

                Diana likes this

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