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  • Author
    • #3524
      Don Smith
        • USA
        • Topics: 1
        • Comments: 41
        • Total: 42
        • Experienced Poster

        Just joined this site today.  Looking forward to it

        and Ed like this

      • #3527
          • USA
          • Topics: 0
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          • Poster

          Hi Don,

          Welcome to the community.


          Don Smith likes this

        • #3529
            • Wales, UK
            • Topics: 573
            • Comments: 2470
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            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

            Welcome to the community, @don256. Glad to have you here.


            We are very slowly attracting more people to the community and things are beginning to get a little more lively around here. I’m certainly seeing more people who are checking in every day rather than once every week or so. I try to post videos, photos, questions or polls every day.

            , Auxilia and Don Smith like this

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