Has you been flashed in the street?

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    • #10937
        • Wales, UK
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        Or in the park/train station/subway/shopping centre etc.?

        It’s happened to me twice in my life and I’m wondering how common that is.

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      • #10939
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          Not yet. I was once walking up some steep concrete steps at the South Bank Centre behind a couple of women in very short skirts and thongs. I don’t know if they just happened to be dressed that way, or it was a dare, or (given the location) a piece of street theatre.

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          • #10982
              • Wales, UK
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              Back when I was in my early twenties, I was walking into town with a friend, and a girl (probably 20-22 ish) walking the other way, lifted her top and exposed her breasts to us for about 5 seconds. Caught me a little by surprise but I wasn’t outraged or upset!

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          • #10992
              • Wales, UK
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              Anyone else?

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            • #11015
                • Wales, UK
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                Just me then? Wow.

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              • #11023
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                  This wasn’t in the street but many many years ago I lived in a house where the one behind us was rented out to students. One of them and, to a lesser extent, her boyfriend were exhibitionists. She liked him to strip her topless in the window, normally in the kitchen and once or twice in the bedroom. That sounds like a fantasy but it really happened, honest!

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                  • #11026
                      • Wales, UK
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                      This stuff definitely happens. 20+ years ago, two of my friends worked for the same insurance company which had offices on the eighth floor. A block of apartments across the road behind their building had large windows. A young woman in a 7th floor apartment would often take showers in the middle of their lunch break. She would completely undress in front of a tall window, go take her shower and then return to get dry in front of the window. There was a blind but she never closed it.

                      Soon after she started her showers, lots of guys started bringing packed lunches and eating in the corridor at the back of the floor. Eventually their boss got wind of it and stopped it.

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                  • #12993
                      • United States
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                      Not the street but on a train.  Summer 1995, I was on the train home from Vauxhall, early afternoon as I had a half day.  Glorious sunshine.  Sat on the virtually empty train I was reading a book but kept seeing a very pretty girl, bit of a Sloane, sitting about 20 feet away, reading Vogue.  I studied her over the top of my book and saw her flip aimlessly through the magazine, turning the pages without reading them.  Then I saw her slowly open and close her legs.  She knew I was watching her…open and closed, open and closed, getting a little wider.  It was then I clocked she didn’t have any underwear on…a nice tidy bush.  She caught me having a good letch and I returned embarrassed to my book.  A few stations later she got up, gathered her things, then made a point of walking down the carriage, past me, when a door was just by her seat.  She brushed my shoulder and hopped off the train.  I sat for a moment, wondering whether to follow her…had it been a huge come-on?  But the doors closed, I sat in silence and continued home, wondering “what if”?

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                      • #12996
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                          I once saw someone flashing at her new (I assume) boyfriend on a train, but I couldn’t see what she was flashing. She’d worked out that if she leaned forwards, he could see down her top, and when she went to the toilet, I’m 99% sure she took her bra off. She asked him if he was enjoying the view.

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                      • #13017
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                          I was at a big-box hardware store one morning, quite hungover.  I was sitting on a window ledge opposite the cash registers with my shopping cart in front of me.  A lady was checking out with her husband and 2 kids (8 and 10 years roughly).  She was wearing a stretchy pale yellow knit mini dress and she was buying a large, heavy, potted plant.  She squatted down to assist the cashier to find the bar code and started to reposition the plant.  As she did that, her knees spread apart just enough for the stretchiness in the dress to effectively became an elastic. The dress snapped up and bunched around her waist.  From my vantage point, she appeared to be commando, although a thong was a possibility.  It wasn’t an intentional flash but it still made my day.

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                        • #13061
                            • Wales, UK
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                            I guess there’s deliberate flashing, accidental flashing and those which may be accidental but it’s hard to tell.

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