Getting your phone out in public!

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    • #19287
        • Uk
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        Having a nude photo or video of you on your phone and walking around with it on show…….

        I was out walking this morning. Went through some of the usual boggy soaking wet fields and got to a nice covered opening in the woods right next to the footpath.  I started up the camera in the tree to record. I stripped off and put my clothes in my bag which was hanging under the camera from the same tree.  Walked back out to where I had entered from the main path almost complete naked (shoes were a must in that weather and conditions today) I then walked back to where I’d stripped and walked the parallel path through the woods to the top of the hill meeting up again with the main path and walked out to the opening on the main path, stood there then walked back to my clothes and got dressed again before stopping the filming. I like to do a naked walk just for the feeling of freedom.


        I had a 10 minute video and a 15 minute walk to my next destination. 5 minutes back to pavements then 10 minutes to the shops though streets.

        When I got to the streets I took my phone out and held it out flat in front of me at belly height so I had to look down to see it then started the video of my latest adventure. Then started walking to my next destination. For the most part as I was walking people were on the opposite side of the street but a couple of times I had to share a narrow pavement with a dog walker. The challenge was to not try move or cover up the phone no matter what happened. I think I got away with it but one dog walker definitely looked over my way as I passed him. Just happed to be a nit on the video where I was also walking naked and you could see full frontal nudity.

        After getting to the shops I headed home again and watched more videos of myself on my phone in the same way phone out flat in front of me.

        That was another 20 minutes of potential exposure. Also reminded me of a another video I finally did by myself to fulfill one of the things that I wanted to experiment with. Not the complete experience but it was exhilarating. Will post that one at some point as another story maybe with video.



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      • #20339
          • Cheshire, England
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          I have an android phone with a wallpaper carousel. I’ve set it to change wallpaper every time I put in my pin. There are 2 naked pictures of me out of about 10 pictures on there, so 1/5 of the times I activate my phone, a naked picture will appear.




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        • #20340
            • England
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            Well I’m definitely not going to be doing that one! I like to be naked in my own back garden even the weather finally gets warm..I got a thrill from joining in when I met naturists abroad, but I am pretty sure that’s my limit.
            I liked at the list of dates and thought about the changing room one, but it doesn’t feel like something I want to do.
            Generally, I don’t think I like the idea of discovery in the way that some of you seem to.

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          • #20344
              • England (London)
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              Same here. I have been to a couple of small events that were either clothing optional or naked and would strongly consider similar future events if any come up. Similarly I would probably play a strip game (preferably involving chance, not skill, so that everybody is equal) in a suitable mixed group, if  it was held in a suitably safe place. But the possibility of being accidentally exposed to somebody not at the event doesn’t interest me at all.

              Does your husband, or any other friend or relative, ever join you (either clothed or unclothed) when you are naked in the garden? If they do, maybe you could ask if any of them would like to come with you to one of the clothing optional naked charity walks mentioned elsewhere.

              Ed likes this

            • #20346
                • Uk
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                The whole phone thing is about knowing you are exposed without it being obvious to anyone around you. Unless you purposely do it in crowded area or stop to talk to someone it is very unlikely you will be actually exposed. It’s more about you knowing it’s there than anyone else knowing it’s there.
                You’re totally in control of the situation and can be as safe or risky as you like. I never try to expose myself to anyone not consenting and this is an easy way to have yourself naked around others without actually being naked around them.

                I definitely want to do some of the nudity events with others and will be going to the naked heart walks this year. Will be looking for other events like swims close enough to me as well but the phone idea is meant to just be harmless thing. It about being discovered.

                John and Ed like this

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