Future of this community

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    • #2777
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        I feel we got a level of momentum going a few weeks ago, but that seems to have slowed right down now. Lots of members are checking in once a day or, at least, several times per week but if we’re going to get any discussions going or increase participation, I need to find more ways to encourage everyone to post more.

        Any suggestions?

        I try to post something here every day, more when I can, and I check in several times per day but usually find that the last post was me. I’m trying to avoid the appearance that all the activity here is me!

      • #2802
          • Cambridgeshire, UK
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          @Ed life got in the way for me.  Work and home life are both incredibly busy ?

        • #2804
            • Wales, UK
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            Most people I’ve spoken to seem to be really busy right now. I am too. I keep hoping things will slow down a little soon.

          • #2806
            Eric Dom
              • S Wales
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              sorry ive been away for ages. life just whizes these days

              i will try to visit more ften but i cant promise to be here every day

              Ed likes this

            • #2823
                • Wales, UK
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                It would be good if we could build a core of 20-30 people who visit most days and tend to get involved in some of the discussions and other activities on this site.

              • #2828
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                  I’m here every day. Seems it could be fun here.

                • #2831
                    • Wales, UK
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                    • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                    It can be great fun here, especially when it’s busier than it is now. Have you considered trying our next Weekly Dare Challenge?

                  • #2832
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                      I will think about it but it sounds a wee bit scary. and I’m not sure about sending photos somewhere public.

                    • #2834
                        • Wales, UK
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                        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                        Plenty of time. Have a look through the previous challenge if you like. The next one isn’t fleshed out yet but it will most likely go along similar lines.

                        Would you be more likely to take part if the photos were uploaded someone a little less public?

                      • #4188
                          • Sussex, England
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                          Its often difficult to keep participation levels up on community websites like this. I’ve helped moderate sites in the past and we had spikes and troughs in activity just like you describe, and its hard trying to keep coming up with new ideas/themes etc to keep people coming back.

                          Ultimately its as much down to the users as anyone else to make it work. Websites get a lot of people signing up that just don’t naturally engage much, while a smaller but significant number will be quite active. Engagement is the secret. How about an open-ended survey to see what people want to find on this site? As long as its on theme with the websites stated purpose(s) ask what people would interact with more(including just eyeballing)in an open-ended way, maybe.

                          I’m partly guessing here, and verging on generalisations, but where websites feature nudity you’ll get those who enjoy being seen, those who contribute images of other naked people and those who want to look; plus combinations of these groups. Some who rarely say a word, some who just want to look or show, I try to do it all. There is probably a mix here of nudists who are very comfortable with being naked in public, shyer nudists who might only be naked at home, on their own, or with close family and/or friends, voyeurs and exhibitionists. For the sake of simplicity I’ll stick to just these groups, knowing there is likely to be all sorts of combinations of these groups, plus people who identify otherwise, plus those who don’t like labels, period. Some will mix happily with all the other groups, some just want to look, others show and may not be very into sharing the limelight, some get naked wherever they can, some are very sociable, others less so. Its a bit like the mix of people who live in the same road/street as you do, you talk to some, you’d rather not talk to others, some you might even want to be naked with, some you want to be naked with in public with, some you watch through blinds running around at the back of their home without any clothes on.

                          Catering for the msih-mash of people likely to be attracted to ‘Naked Experiments’ is not likely to be easy, someone would probably have cracked it by now if this wasn’t the case. You’re doing OK by me, Ed, thanks for what you’ve done so far.

                          You’re more likely to find me here when its cooler, if its warm outside I want to be naked out there with real-life naked friends and I don’t tend to be online when I’m at nudist places, (bring on some warm weather if I’ve said too much!) Other people may be at other times for other reasons.

                          • This reply was modified 5 years ago by NudeNik.

                          Ed likes this

                          • #4198
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                              I like dabbling in all of the above. I like it that this site lets folks be curious about nakedness – what it means, what it feels like, what it looks like, where it works, where it doesn’t etc etc. For reasons I don’t understand and don’t need to know, it helps me keep my head sorted out too.

                              Ed, NudeNik and Don Smith like this

                              • #4199
                                  • Sussex, England
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                                  There is something about enjoying all of those aspects of nakedness that helps keep me sane too. I’ve been lucky to have seen many thousands of people naked in real life and hopefully they haven’t been put off of life without clothes when they’ve seen me nude. I’ve seen even more naked people online and in other media. I  suspect I’ll never get bored with seeing naked  people or wanting to be nude with others, Its fascinating and stimulating. I love some music and a good book or film, but I don’t want to experience them over and over again, like I do with my own and other peoples’ nudity.

                                  Ed likes this

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