Extra features for the Community Supporters forum

Forums Community & News Community News & The Future Extra features for the Community Supporters forum

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Ed.
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    • #314
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        There are still many things to add to this site, some of which are directly inspired by features that were on the old site, but I’m trying to create new features which we didn’t have before too.

        I recently added a “Who should strip” poll to the Community Supporters Only forum where members will be presented with a photo of 3-5 candidates and asked to vote on which one they would like to see strip naked. At the end of the poll, a sequence of photos or (in some cases maybe) a video of that person stripping off their clothes will be presented. As well as a bit of fun, it can also be a talking point for Supporters. Once there are enough Community Supporters, I will be calling for volunteers to be the choices in that game.

        Obviously, I will be adding interesting and relevant topics for discussion in the Supporter forums and the occasional poll too, but what else would be worthwhile?

        Would reviews of nudity based sites (not porn/sex sites) be a good feature? Each review could form the top of a thread with discussion of the review following. Or would that be more appropriate in the public area of the forums?

        Would anyone like a Supporters’ dares forum? It would essentially be the same as the public one but the posted results would not be as public.

        Any other ideas? Anything you’d like to see?


      • #345
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          • Ace Poster

          I like the reviews idea, especially for the public area. Not sure about the dares idea. How would the supporters one be different from a public one? Supporters could nominate each other to do a dare perhaps, like nominating people for the ice bucket challenge was.

        • #349
            • Wales, UK
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            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

            The key difference would be just HOW public the photos are. Photos in the public forum will be seen by a great number of people and that could put a lot of people off. Dares posted in the Supporters version would be seen by a much smaller number.


            Thinking about it further, I wonder if a less-public dares forum would be better placed in the “Prepared to Get Naked” forum?

            • #4207
                • Sussex, England
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                Are these questions still on the agenda?

                If so perhaps a supporters’ dares section would mean that people who are reluctant to be seen participating in them on the WWW might take part if they knew they’d only be seen by fellow supporters, or start there before gaining the confidence to bare more on the wider internet. Being seen full-frontal naked and recognisable online doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it is a lot of fun. Starting off by only exposing what people are comfortable with (i.e. naked above the waist with face turned away) to their fellow NE members could be a way that leads to eventually showing all, to all. I know quite a lot of nudists who’ve been getting naked in public at beaches for a long time, they’re very comfortable doing so, but they baulk at the idea of being nude online, though their curiosity about the experiences of those of us who are recognisable online as nudists doesn’t seem to lessen.

                You may well get higher participation if members know it will only be other supporters who can see each other, you might also get more supporters.

                Steve and Ed like this

            • #4208
                • Wales, UK
                • Topics: 584
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                • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                That’s a very good idea. There aren’t enough supporters right now but, as you say, it could be a good draw to attract more supporters.

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