Experiment sign up

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    • #20420
        • Uk
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        @ed what’s the minimum number of  participants? I’m guessing 5 is probably the least viable to make it worth while.

        We’ve had a lot of people here before say they are up for some type of experiment mainly all men. We also had some interesting discussions on venue and indoor/outdoor type challenges.

        Question 1 for ed.

        would an all male experiment work if it was a paid event (I doubt an all male event would sell well so would need to be paid).

        Question 2 for everyone

        Who is actually up for an experiment and how. If you are please reply, let’s see if we can get an event going somehow


        A – Gender

        1. Yes only female
        2. Yes only mixed
        3. Yes all male
        4. Don’t mind

        B- report write up

        1. Private no report
        2. report but no photo
        3. report with blurred photos
        4. Report with photos

        C- paying

        1. Woud be willing to pay £60
        2. Would be willing to pay more if some can’t.
        3. Would do it if it was free.

        D- content

        1. Indoor only
        2. Possible outdoor
        3. All outdoor
        4. Don’t mind

        E- touching

        Previous experiments I think had touching related to just about what touch was needed to get undressed by someone else

        Would you be willing for

        1. Keep touching to just undressing
        2. Allow touching white clothed
        3. Allow touching while naked

        I’ll put my response below.

      • #20421
          • Uk
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          A 4 I don’t mind

          B 3 I don’t mind blurred photos I have some here already.

          C 2 happy to pay more

          D 4 happy to go with group choice

          E 3 there have been blog posts about being male with multiple people touching i really like the idea of exploring that more.

        • #20422
            • Cheshire, England
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            Never got an answer from Ed over whether he has a current application from me, I think he does, but

            A 2

            B 4 Report with photos, I’m OK if not all agree, or report with some photos including mine.

            C 1 could afford 60
            <p style=”text-align: left;”>D prefer indoor or outdoor in isolated spot. Do not wish to get arrested, do not happy with say the local park.</p>
            <p style=”text-align: left;”>E I am happy for any touching but would go with consensus.</p>

            • #20423
                • Wales, UK
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                • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                Erm, I answered about an hour after you posted it. I said I couldn’t find one.

                • #20427
                    • Cheshire, England
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                    My memory is rubbish, I might have asked previously, but I asked a month or so ago, and you just replied that you weren’t accepting further applications. I definitely filled one in, but you changed the form and I can’t remember if it was before or after.

                  • #20430
                      • Wales, UK
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                      I stopped accepting applications from men as I was just wasting everyone’s time with that. With more than 100x as many men applying as women, a lot of people would be waiting years (or forever) for a suitable experiment session to arrive.

                      When I revamped the application form years ago (the old one was totally inadequate), I discovered most people who had applied were not contactable. I tried repeatedly to get everyone to do a new application but only a few did. I suspect that most people on the current list have moved on too but I have no plans to replace the form and start again.

                    • #20429
                        • England (London)
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                  • #20424
                      • Wales, UK
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                      • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                      @ed what’s the minimum number of  participants? I’m guessing 5 is probably the least viable to make it worth while.

                      I usually say 6. 5 would be workable, but probably only in single-sex cases. Most female applicants have stipulated either matched male and female participants or all female. Not one female applicant so far will accept being in a minority (for safety mostly).

                      We’ve had a lot of people here before say they are up for some type of experiment mainly all men. We also had some interesting discussions on venue and indoor/outdoor type challenges.

                      Question 1 for ed.

                      would an all male experiment work if it was a paid event (I doubt an all male event would sell well so would need to be paid).

                      Yes, but not worth writing up (as you say). About 80-90% of male applicants ruled it out on the form.


                      On that subject, I should re-research location costs as I haven’t done that for over a year. Most things are more expensive now.


                      ptHarry likes this

                      • #20425
                          • Uk
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                          Guess that depends where you go. I was looking up room prices at my local community center. The big hall is £19 an hour for locals or £21 an hour for business.

                          Do you have 4 or 5 other sign ups interested in a paid even even if single gender.  would be really keen to take part in an event soon. Not really fussed who it’s with.  But if there is no report I’m not sure what you get out of it and if it’s fair to ask you to put in the effort for no reward

                          • #20431
                              • Wales, UK
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                              An experiment session needs around 3-4 hours. I’ve always checked them out in person beforehand as a level of privacy (no windows overlooking the street, no staff walking through, unlocked doors accessible by the public etc.). I prefer top floor or basement rooms (based on experience) or out-of-hours access (the gym experiment took place late in the evening when the rest of the site was closed to the public). There’s also insurance to consider – some venues include it (in case anyone gets injured etc.) others require you to get your own.

                              I tried explaining to venues why I wanted to rent a venue but that never went anywhere (no-one wanted anything to do with nudity). Now I just tell them it’s a team-building exercise where privacy is important.


                              Very few men on the list are interested in single gender experiments.

                              ptHarry likes this

                            • #20432
                                • Wales, UK
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                                My aim is to first cover my own costs so I’m not out of pocket (My wife won’t be happy if experiments cost me money), but ideally raise money for the site. I’d hoped that a growing range of experiment reports would result in a growing trickle of income for the site (it would be great to have a budget to spend), but I would probably be better off working some evening shifts in Aldi (a UK supermarket) that spending the time I have producing the reports I have so far.

                                ptHarry likes this

                          • #20426
                              • England (London)
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                              The big hall is £19 an hour for locals or £21 an hour for business.

                              That seems fairly typical for local community centres but cheaper rates may be available off peak or for smaller rooms, especially in less popular areas.

                              The problem is that many of them are run by churches or local councils, who might not appreciate having naked bodies in or around their building. A possible answer to that would be to look for places where there are regular nude life drawing classes. Actually, life drawing (in pairs, model and artist both naked, two minutes to draw then swap model and artist) seems like a reasonable experiment subject. If the emphasis is on participation rather than artistic merit and and the model gets to keep the drawing, that might be acceptable where having a photo taken would not — but a headless version could possibly be included in the experiment report.

                            • #20433
                                • Cheshire, England
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                                please have some patience with the more technophobic of us 🙂 if I don’t go on the site for a few days and can’t remember the thread name, I may miss stuff.

                                I’d personally have thought that experiments would be offered to Patreons rather than people who haven’t visited the site in several years.

                                Guess it’s irrelevant if we don’t attract more women to the site. I have tried to get the forum moving again, a busy site tempts more people to linger.

                                Ed and Matt like this

                                • #20434
                                    • England (London)
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                                    If you’re away for a while, a good place to go after logging in is https://community.nakedexperiment.com/activity/ which has a complete list of recent forum posts, newest first. Click on the time (eg 10 hours ago) of a specific post to get to its containing thread if you want to reply.

                                    Note however that it doesn’t include blog posts or replies to them. The only place you’ll find a list of those is the Latest Blog Comments though that only shows the newest 5. Usually that’s enough, but unusually there have been more than 5 blog comments in the last week. There’s no way (as far as I know) of seeing a list of blog comments beyond the 5th, other than opening every blog post that’s not in the list individually.


                                    Ed and John like this

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