Ever been undressed by other people?

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    • #14525
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        And is it less embarrassing if they are also naked?

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      • #14530
          • Cambridgeshire, UK
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          No – but I would like to be

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          • #14534
              • Wales, UK
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          • #14569
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              Yes…a girl I had a brief affair with back in the last century.  I’d turn up to her flat in Clapham, ostensibly to go out for a drink…but she’d surprise me by ushering me into the hallway, deep probing kisses, and then strip me nude while she was (for the moment) fully clothed.  I never knew each time whether we we’re going out or whether she wanted to strip me.  It kept me guessing I suppose?

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              • #14594
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                  Actually, there was another time (last century again!)….I was decorating the family bathroom (doing a bad job)…my girlfriend was helping.  It was just me and her, the house was empty. I was on my knees, trying to strip wallpaper from under the sink.  Without warning, my girlfriend playfully pulled my trainers off…I said “what are you doing?” but she said “just carry on with the wallpaper…”.  She then pulled off my socks, pulled my shirt off…I was still crouched down, she reached round and undid my jeans (which were quite loose anyway) and pulled them down and off, threw them aside, then pulled my pants off…I sat there naked, surrounded by strips of wallpaper, she said was very excited, totally turned on. We left the decorating and headed straight for my bedroom…she wanted me nude while she stayed clothed, and she didn’t undress for quite while…now that was a good day!

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                  • #14596
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                      Great story. Sounds very erotic. 2 types of stripping lol

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                    • #16413
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                        That sounds like a really good day!  Before iPhones and the chance for photos I’d assume?

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                  • #14644
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                      Yes! My sister has stripped me naked more times than I care to count! ?

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                      • #14648
                          • Wales, UK
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                          You must tell us more!

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                          • #14686
                              • United States
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                              So I don’t know how to really say this all but I am going to give it a try.

                              My sister is a lesbian, and though no incest has occurred she has taken much enjoyment in stripping me naked. Whether it be simple as pantsing me,lifting up my shift, or actively waiting outside the bathroom to yank off my towel as I leave, or, breaking into the locked bathroom and teasing me while I am showering or what not. She went through lots of trauma and therefore, my parents gave her a ‘whatever makes you’ happy pass for most of her life. So, I began her victim of choice for stripping and undressing.

                              RFLE58, , Arthur and 1 more person like this

                            • #14689
                                • Wales, UK
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                                How often did she strip you?

                                And did it ever happen in front of anyone else?

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                              • #14693
                                  • United States
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                                  Very often lol at the ‘most’ it was possibly several times a day, but often was weekly so I go about my life and have her ‘get’ me. It happened in front of my mother and father too on occassion.

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                                • #16385
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                                    What a story 👍

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                              • #14690
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                                  @enfdiana  I saw another post ( hi I’m  back by the way) asking about what this should be. For me the things that sets this site apart from generic post naked images sites is the experience part of the post.

                                  I said it before but I’ll say It again the experience is the key part of this. We all get naked for showers or baths regularly. Nothing so special in that. The special part comes from the not deemed societally normal. I really like to get to know what was going though someones head during the experiences.

                                  I’m me and I likestupid things, if your are not comfortable sharing any responses I totally get it. I think sometimes the more exposing part of a naked story is the thoughts of ther person rather than the image of the person. So I like to read as much I like to look probably more to be honest

                                  Here are a few questions that try to get inside your head bit more and explore your levels of excitement/anxiety during these times.

                                  Firstly as it’s the first thing you mention.

                                  You mention it being your sister doing this to you but no incest having taken place.

                                  Q1. Have you ever thought she was about to try something more with you during one of these times.

                                  Q2. Have you purposely showered at different times?

                                  a. Because she was around and it excited you to be stripped of your towel in front of her.

                                  B. Because it got too much and actually it became too uncomfortable.

                                  Q3. Have you ever reciprocated (or though about recipricating) the towel incidents.

                                  Q4. Do you find the female body also something attractive and if so is your sister’s body something that has excited you.

                                  a. Have you ever been tempted to experiment with her?

                                  b. Have you ever been tempted to experiment with another girl because of your sisters attention to you?

                                  Q5. You mention pantsing and lifting up your shirt. Has this ever been in public or just at home?

                                  Q6. Have you ever worn clothes on purpose that have made it easier for your sister to pants you or lift up your shirt?

                                  Basically has any of her actions changed you as a person, like have you challenged yourself to be more daring knowing she might do something to you. Like

                                  Q7. 1 step further from wearing clothes that make it easier for pantsing or shirt lifting. Have you ever (on purpose) gone

                                  a. Braless

                                  b. Knickerless

                                  c. No underwear at all.

                                  For all the above I guess the same question goes as before is this all just stuff that happens at home or in public.

                                  Q8 has she ever revealed you Infront of..

                                  a. Your parents

                                  b. Her friends

                                  c. Your friends

                                  d. Other family

                                  For each of the above if happened  how did it make you feel.



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                                • #14695
                                    • United States
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                                    Hello! Given the nature of this site these are the sort of questions I was expecting to answer, I’ll reply to them as best as I can!

                                    Firstly as it’s the first thing you mention.

                                    You mention it being your sister doing this to you but no incest having taken place.

                                    Q1. Have you ever thought she was about to try something more with you during one of these times.

                                    Many times, though we never had sex, she has fondled my breasts and genitals, and smacked my butt many times. This contact always made me wonder what was ‘next’

                                    Q2. Have you purposely showered at different times?

                                    B. Because it got too much and actually it became too uncomfortable.

                                    Yes, I showered whenever she was not around, whether that was super late at night or what not, however, this was not always possible.


                                    Q3. Have you ever reciprocated (or though about recipricating) the towel incidents.

                                    There was a moment of ‘justice’ where she one day decided to prance through the house naked saying how proud she was of her body, and my dad and I threw her out of the house and she was begging to come inside. Best thing is our neighbors have a security camera that we know for a fact caught the whole thing lol everything seemed to die down after that surprisingly.

                                    Q4. Do you find the female body also something attractive and if so is your sister’s body something that has excited you?

                                    a. Have you ever been tempted to experiment with her?

                                    I would lie if I said I never ‘thought’ about it, and if there was anyone I could do it wit it would be her, but there is also a level of ‘if we cross this, there is no going back’

                                    b. Have you ever been tempted to experiment with another girl because of your sisters attention to you?

                                    Again, I would lie if I said I ‘never’ thought it, but given my experience with the lesbian community as a result of my sister I would say it’s not for me.

                                    Q5. You mention pantsing and lifting up your shirt. Has this ever been in public or just at home?

                                    She threatened it in public many times, but it’s was always in a private setting. She sorta wanted to do it ‘just for her’ if that makes sense? Whereas in public I would be for everyone else too.

                                    Q6. Have you ever worn clothes on purpose that have made it easier for your sister to pants you or lift up your shirt?

                                    There was a point where I accepted she was going to get me naked, so I might as well make it easier, but it wasn’t because I seemed her to do it.

                                    Basically has any of her actions changed you as a person, like have you challenged yourself to be more daring knowing she might do something to you. Like


                                    Q7. 1 step further from wearing clothes that make it easier for pantsing or shirt lifting. Have you ever (on purpose) gone

                                    a. Braless

                                    I have for comfort and because she wouldn’t hurt my breasts trying to strip me

                                    b. Knickerless

                                    If I had a bra on, I had something for my ‘bottom half’

                                    c. No underwear at all.

                                    A few times, yes.

                                    For all the above I guess the same question goes as before is this all just stuff that happens at home or in public.

                                    Q8 has she ever revealed you Infront of..

                                    a. Your parents


                                    b. Her friends

                                    Threatened to physically and with images/videos she took, but I don’t know if she ever did.

                                    c. Your friends


                                    d. Other family

                                    Yes, my grandmother.

                                    I hope this did a good job, happy to reply to more questions!


                                    Kevin, ptHarry, RFLE58 and 3 more people like this

                                  • #14701
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                                      Firstly wow, thanks for sharing and being so open.

                                      Its great to hear peoples thoughts and feelings during experiments / experiences. Knowing something happened is one thing but the thoughs and feelings side of it leave you so much more exposed I feel.


                                      I did write a message a while back, asking people to leave more descriptions on photos and stuff. I wasn’t picking on you asking this it’s the sort of questions I have whenever I read about an experience.



                                      RFLE58, Diana, Ed and 1 more person like this

                                      • #14706
                                          • United States
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                                          You are very welcome! 🙂

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                                      • #16386
                                          • Germany Braunschweig
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                                          Thank you very much for the openness with which you talk here.

                                          I’ve never been undressed by anyone else, except during sex of course. So I can’t contribute anything relevant to the topic this time, but I’m happy to continue reading along.

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                                          • #16453
                                              • United States
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                                              Of course! I’m happy to answer any questions in terms of the ‘naked experiment’ we partake in lol

                                              RFLE58, and Ed like this

                                          • #16450
                                              • Manchester UK
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                                              Vintage naked experiment – undressing someone

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                                              • #16452
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                                                  There really is something hugely arousing about one woman being undressed by another woman, especially if one remains fully clothed. That’s why @diana ‘s stories are so enthralling.

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                                              • #16454
                                                  • Manchester UK
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                                                  There are more than one aspect to this question –
                                                  was the person being undressed a willing participant?
                                                  Was the person being undressed an unwilling participant? I’m not talking sexual assault, but fun-forced – the kind of thing Diana has spoken about, or as depicted in the photo at the top – perhaps losing a dare but being reluctant to go all the way, so the other(s) had to do it?
                                                  Was it mutual? IE taking turns undressing each other until both naked (That is the story I have for you.)
                                                  Were there more than one doing the undressing?
                                                  Were there other people watching?
                                                  Was it just a non-sexual fruity game or dare?
                                                  Was is sexual? Was it intended to be sexual or was it a game or dare that turned sexual?

                                                  , RFLE58, Diana and 1 more person like this

                                                • #16462
                                                    • Manchester UK
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                                                    <p>I’m trying to post a story from my MacBook but can’t get the formatting right. I’ll try emailing it to myself and paste and format it from the ipad.</p>

                                                    Diana likes this

                                                  • #16463
                                                      • Manchester UK
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                                                      <p>PS Ed, did you get my photos for the outdoors challenge 11?</p>

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                                                      • #16478
                                                          • Wales, UK
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                                                          Sorry, I missed it. I get hundreds of e-mails per day and that one slipped through. It’s up on the ranking table now.

                                                          Diana likes this

                                                      • #16464
                                                          • Manchester UK
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                                                          A long read, and involves underaged nudity, nothing explicit, but if offended, please look away now.

                                                          This has happened twice, both incidents in school years, first was when we were in what used to be called third year (when you turn 14) and the second in sixth form (when you turn 17)
                                                          (In those days school leaving age was 15, grammar school 16, we stayed on at a secondary school for two years to do late O Levels)

                                                          The first was when I was going out with Julie (name changed), we’d been going out a few weeks. We would go to the youth club two nights a week and have a kissing snog on the doorstep after I walked her home, the other nights we would go back to her house after school for some kissing and cuddling before her mother came home from work. As usual, and as with most girls of that age, I didn’t get past second base.

                                                          We had heard rumours that the sixth formers had very exciting lives with three very sexy stories – one that they did bare chested snogging (the expression ‘topless’ hadn’t yet entered the lexicon), that they often did nude dares when playing forfeits (what we now call truth or dare) and another game where a boy and girl would face each other and take turns to gradually undress each other – to see if either would bottle out or would they go all the way to naked. Allegedly they even kept a score sheet of this!

                                                          So, one afternoon, the day after we had been discussing these sixth former sexy games at the youth club, at Julie’s house, she asked if I wanted to play the strip game! I carefully considered this for half a millisecond, and said, yes I would. We were in her bedroom and we put our school blazers back on and started. Ladies first, me being polite. We should have thought about this, it led to a bit of a mis-match.

                                                          Blazer – Blazer; shoes – shoes; socks – socks; tie – tie. Then she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it over my shoulders then off completely. It was a lovely feeling whenever her fingers touched my bare skin.

                                                          Now, as I was unbuttoning her blouse from the top, as her bra and small cleavage came into view, I was all fingers and thumbs, so clumsy. Eventually I undid the last button and opened her blouse wide to reveal her bra covering her 32A breasts (Yes, I had asked previously, schoolboys are very curious!) breasts. At this point it was the most wonderful sight I had ever seen, I could see the swell of her breasts above the bra line. wow! . In my eagerness to get her blouse off I had forgotten to undo the cuff buttons so that got me all of a dither. Finally, she’s stood there just in her skirt and bra (and knickers) and, it probably goes without saying, I was getting excited!

                                                          Much to my mother’s amusement, I was, at this time, experimenting with underwear, switching between regular (dad like) Y-fronts I had worn most of my life, boxers and modern tight briefs. I couldn’t tell her why. At that age boys get a dozen spontaneous erections every day so I was trying to find underwear that was (a) comfortable when you did and (b) were best at concealing the erections if you had to stand up or walk!

                                                          So Julie unfastened my belt then started to undo the button then hook ;and eye then slowly pulled down the zip, brushing her hand against my erect penis, though I doubt she knew this. When the zip reached the bottom she peeled the trousers apart at the fly and started to pull them down my legs, lowering herself to her knees as she did. I managed to step out of them without falling over.

                                                          So, this day I had boxers on, which were comfortable, but not very good at concealment, so I’m stood there just in my boxers with a very obvious erection. Now my turn to unfasten her skirt. Again I’m trembling and my fingers won’t work. Thankfully just two buttons then a zip to undo on the waistband, and I took my time sliding the skirt down her legs, going on my knees so my eyes were level with her knickers and I’m visualising what will soon be revealed, and my hands are making the most of feeling the soft skin of her legs as I lower the skirt. She stepped out of it as I stepped back to take in the view. Slightly embarrassed she folded her arms over her chest!

                                                          As I mentioned, we didn’t think this through, so I’ve now got just the one item to go, my boxers, Julie has two, her bra and knickers. But, it was her turn, she’s about to see not only her first post-puberty penis, but a very erect one at that! She shyly stepped forward and put her hands in the waistband of my boxers., one at each hip. When her fingers touched my skin it was like an electric shock to both of us! I showed her it was best to pull the front out and pull down over my stiffie. As it came into view she stopped and stared wide eyed. I had to prompt her to carry on. She had to go down on her knees to pull my boxers down so I could step out of them, giving her a close up view.

                                                          She stood up, had a good look at me then turned her back. I’m now stood naked, and aroused with a girl wearing only her bra and knickers, and who I am about to see naked. OMG!

                                                          Nervously I stepped forward and started fumbling with her bra fastening. I knew they fastened at the back, I had seen my mother’s and sister’s bras on the clothes maiden at home, and girls taking them off in pictorials in the men’s magazines, but I had never unfastened one before. Plus I’m all fingers and thumbs and I’m fumbling away. On top of that I’m standing too close to her and my penis is poking her bottom. Just as I think I’ve sussed it Julie stepped forward a couple of paces, turned around with her arms folded over her chest and said –

                                                          “Sorry, I can’t do it”


                                                          “Sorry, I just can’t do it, sorry.”

                                                          I was devasted. Gutted. I couldn’t believe it. I’m sure if I hadn’t fumbled and had unfastened that damn bra quickly it would have been OK, I would have at least seen her breasts if not completely nude, but my fumbling and poking penis put paid to that.

                                                          Of course I spent several minutes trying to persuade her –

                                                          “It’s only fair.” – “Ah, come on, you’ve seen me.” – “It’ll be OK.” – “It’ll be OK, honestly!”
                                                          And that old boy’s chestnut – “If you loved me you would!” And all this time I’m wilting.

                                                          But she wouldn’t change her mind. I did persuade her that since we had undressed each other we should now dress each other. My thoughts were that at least I could get up close and brush my hands on her skin, and have her come close to me and feel her hands on my skin. She agreed to that and she helped my into my boxers, and this got the blood flowing again.

                                                          But then I suggested that we do underwear to underwear snogging. She agreed to that and we lay side by side on the bed and had a good half hour kissing and cuddling, lots of bare skin to bare skin, and some feeling up. Because she was laid down her breasts flattened while her bra didn’t so I actually got to see her nipples. Awesome!

                                                          We talked about this a couple of years later, strangely enough, after my second being-undressed-by-others experience in the 6th form when she again was involved in removing my clothing.

                                                          She admitted that, yes, if I had undone her bra immediately she would at least have gone topless and probably completely nude, because she wouldn’t have had time to change her mind. She also told me that she was shocked at the size of my erect penis – I was only average, but biology lessons hadn’t prepared her for that. She was thinking that it was bad enough putting a tampon in, so putting that in was bound to hurt! And, to my great surprise – she told me that she was getting horny – she said the sensitivity was overwhelming and much stronger than she usually had when I was feeling her up – and she was worried that if we both got naked we might do something that we, or at least, she, would regret later.

                                                          Fair enough I suppose.

                                                          So that was my first experience of being undressed by another person or persons, and of the opposite sex. It was fantastic, an extremely enjoyable experience, even if I didn’t get to see Julie naked, and I still remember it to this day.

                                                          RFLE58, Diana, ptHarry and 1 more person like this

                                                          • #16465
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                                                              Great story…very vivid.

                                                              RFLE58, Ed and NakedMadCat like this

                                                            • #16466
                                                                • Berkshire UK
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                                                                <p>Great story, thank you. </p>

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                                                            • #16467
                                                                • Manchester UK
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                                                                Meant to add this to my story

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                                                                • #16469
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                                                                    Was that her or just a photo of what she looked like?

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                                                                    • #16479
                                                                        • Manchester UK
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                                                                        No, it’s a recreation. As I recall, schoolgirls knickers weren’t sexy back then.

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                                                                  • #16493
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                                                                      I was stripped to full nude by two women taking turns to roll a large die and playing “strip beetle” with my clothing. So who ever rolled a one removed my shoes, then whoever rolled a two removed my socks and do so on … until the final roll was a six and off came my trunks leaving me totally naked before the two of them.

                                                                      I then was left naked for the rest of the evening…

                                                                      would happily do that again! Was good fun 🙂

                                                                      RFLE58, ptHarry, NakedMadCat and 3 more people like this

                                                                    • #16541
                                                                        • Manchester UK
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                                                                        There’s still not much engagement is there? We can’t see how many people view a post but we can see how few click the like button. Anyway, I’ve written this story so I’ll post it.

                                                                        My other being-undressed-by-others event was also at school, late 60s, in the last few weeks of sixth form, the year you turn seventeen. During 5th and 6th form the class size was down to 14, 7 each girls and boys. During those two years we had a fantastic art teacher, an early twenty something, drop dead gorgeous, French teacher, mademoiselle Martin (pronounced Martan). She was really cool and addressed us as monsieur Smith, mademoiselle Jones, etc. She was at the end of her two-year exchange and was leaving at the same time we finished school for good. Our smoking hidey-hole was in the shrubbery behind the art hut (two art classrooms plus a wash-up and store room, in those pre-fab huts, separated from the main building, and sometimes she would join us for a smoke. She smoked Gauloises, so I bought some and nearly died coughing my guts up! Bloody hell, I thought my dad’s Woodbines were strong but these were unbelievable. I gave her the remainder of the pack!

                                                                        Whenever she showed us a new art technique, like charcoal drawing, or watercolour, or mosaics, etc, we boys would produce nudes. She would say “Excellent work monsieur Cat, but I cannot display this at parents evening!” Discussion of nude art would eventually lead to us doing both male and female life studies before the end of school – another story!

                                                                        After we had finished exams we had a lot of free periods and spent a lot of time over at the art studios; only one was in regular use, so we used the other and when she had a free period, mademoiselle would join us to chat.

                                                                        After John Lennon had met Yoko Ono we would discuss modern, performance and Avant Garde art. Yoko had done a movie short called Erection, which was a time-lapse film of a sky scraper being built – IE erected. She also did one called Smile, which was a time-lapse movie short of John Lennon’s penis going from flaccid to hard. She also did a ‘performance’ piece where she sat on stage while passing a pair of scissors to members of the audience who took turns to cut off her clothes. Somehow we ended up with me volunteering to be the muse in a performance piece with the rest of the class cutting off my clothes!

                                                                        You may think that was very brave, but not really. All the lads saw me every week naked in the showers; a few weeks earlier, during the Spring Break before the exams started, we had a day at the seaside and ended up skinny dipping; we had done a few naked dares as forfeits in Truth or Dare games at parties; and we the boys all went naked at a Pyjama/Slumber Party earlier in the year; and a couple of years earlier, me and my best mate did a naked run through the girls changing rooms and showers; so being seen naked by my classmates wasn’t an issue. However, being seen naked by Mlle Martin was something I was really fantasising about! I’m sure she had seen some handsome French men of her own age naked but, still, I could dream, couldn’t I?,

                                                                        So mademoiselle obtained some clothes from the drama props department and she gave me some money to buy some boxers and briefs – she wanted me to wear both – (a) so that once the boxers were cut off, if I wanted to I could stop it there and (b) if I was showing any signs of arousal it would also stop it there. I told that wouldn’t bother me – I couldn’t tell her I would so want to been seen that way by her – but she insisted that there was no way – she would be in serious trouble if we got found out anyway, but if I was flashing an erection round the class, she would end up in jail, and she really didn’t want that!

                                                                        So the day came – I stood with all my classmates sat in a semi-circle, while mademoiselle sat at the back of the room, and they took turns to gradually cut the clothes off me. We made it last, for example there were 10 or 12 cuts to the jacket before someone finally cut the shoulder and neck for it to drop off. Likewise the shirt had several cuts up each of the sleeves, front and back panels before someone cut the collar for it to fall away.

                                                                        The trousers had several cuts up the legs, a hole on the arse and another ,in the front groin before two stood one at each hip, and cut the waistband. I didn’t normally wear a vest but I had one on for this, to prolong it, that was cut off and I’m finally I’m down to my boxers. There were a couple of cuts up the legs, back and front, then with Julie, who I had played the strip game with a couple of years ago, plus my closest class mate, stood at each side, they cut the waistband and the boxers fell off.

                                                                        I’m now stood in just the white briefs, my package clearly visible, but not aroused. I was happy to go all the way. I nodded at mademoiselle and she nodded back, I then smiled at the two people now holding the scissors, two of the girls, and they stood either side of me and slowly cut the sides of the briefs and I let the material fall to the floor. There was a gasp, then a round of applause, including from mademoiselle, as I stood there naked. Mademoiselle told me to go and get dressed so I, reluctantly, went to the wash-up room and put my own clothes back on.

                                                                        When I returned to the circle we discussed what had just happened, how we felt and moved onto talking about performance art in general. I didn’t mention that, despite my bravado and although not aroused, I was quite turned on by being naked in front of the girls and, especially, mademoiselle.

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                                                                      • #16542
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                                                                          Good story.  Quite amazing…nothing like that ever happened when I was at school.

                                                                          Captain Pedantic:  “Smile” was just a slo-mo film of Lennon smiling.  “Self-Portrait” was the film of his erection.

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                                                                          • #16543
                                                                              • Manchester UK
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                                                                              ““Self-Portrait” was the film of his erection.” Sorry, yes, it was indeed!

                                                                              Ed and like this

                                                                          • #16551
                                                                              • Berkshire, UK
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                                                                              Thank you for the stories, I thought I had lived a fairly broad life but nothing as interesting as some of you. I admit I am fascinated by the idea of being undressed by someone, I don’t recall it ever happening  – well maybe a couple of times in my youth when I was so drunk someone had to help me to bed, and I suspect it was mother as father was far too prim and proper to do anything like that. I don’t even recall my wife undressing me, I think in the early days it ended up with both of us rushing to much to get naked, and nowadays it is just plain easier to undress yourself 🙂

                                                                              NakedMadCat, Martin, and 1 more person like this

                                                                            • #16813
                                                                                • Manchester UK
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                                                                                Not quite a naked story but a follow up to one of my stories above. Delete if inappropriate.

                                                                                I have a lot of girl cousins and was very close to one, Ellie (name change) who was the same age. After the incident of the strip game with Julie above, I told Ellie about some of it, not about my erection!, including my frustration at not being able to unfasten Julie’s bra.

                                                                                Ellie then got one of her bras out of a drawer and showed me the hooks ‘n’ eye fasteners and how they worked. As I’m enjoying playing with her underwear, she suddenly pulled up her jumper at the back and told me to have a try! After I fumbled she then took the jumper off altogether, to my shock, horror and delight! She let me unfasten, re-fasten her bra several times, but didn’t take it off. I tried looking over her shoulder a couple of times, but she sensed what I was doing and cupped her bra tightly.

                                                                                As you can imagine, I was very grateful for this enjoyable and arousing lesson!

                                                                                A few weeks later, she told me she had been kissing with a boy and enjoying it so much, that before she knew what was happening, he got one hand behind her back, unfastened her bra and got his hand round the front inside her bra! She told me stopped him (yeah) but she was very impressed and she decided it was a trick I should practice. So we did! We kissed and she let me unfasten her bra, again, several times. She wouldn’t let me move my hand anywhere else but this lesson (again really did serve me well in future kissing embraces with girls.

                                                                                Martin and ptHarry like this

                                                                              • #16914
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                                                                                  Yes, I went  to a bondage club many, many years ago when I was much younger. As a newbie first timer to the club, I was required to fill out paperwork and provide my drivers license ID.

                                                                                  After I had completed the documents, I was taken to the front of the room by 2 pretty and young women wearing sexy clothing. They turned me facing an audience of 15-20 people I had never seen before. A mixture of men and women.

                                                                                  I had no idea what was about to happen to me but I would soon find out!!!

                                                                                  They stripped me Totally Naked in-front of everyone and then turned me around.

                                                                                  They forced me to bend over a padded wooden bar so that my bare butt would be in the air and they handcuffed me to this furniture so that I couldn’t move.

                                                                                  They now had a big white target and there was nothing that I could do about it! My butt was bare, in the air and facing them and the audience.

                                                                                  You don’t even need to guess what the 2 women did next.

                                                                                  I could only turn my head slightly to try and see what the women were doing due to the way that I was stretched over this wooden furniture and cuffed to it.

                                                                                  They took a few pictures with their cellphones and picked up wooden paddles.

                                                                                  Then….THEY BURNED MY BUTT UP !!! People in the room were laughing and cheering them on to hit me harder. And they did just that!! POW, POW. POW! Believe me, I felt every time their paddles came in contact with my upturned BUTT.

                                                                                  I was in pain driving back sitting on blisters.


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