Ever been naked at work or in the office?

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    • #12469
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        I was, just once.  It’s a long story…if you’re interested, let me know. ??

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      • #12472
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          Please share! 🙂

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          • #12484
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              I can’t compete with @paul being nude at work everyday but I’ll upload the full story tomorrow. ?

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            • #12487
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                Long story.  Back in 1994 I worked in a huge call centre in London. It was December, it was a girl I lusted after’s birthday and there was a small party for her after hours. I had some overtime scheduled but still had a few beers. The party wound down, everyone left but not before I got a lovely goodnight kiss from the party girl.  The office was empty, the main lights were off, just a few desk lights, I don’t know where the thought came from but I decided to take all my clothes off.  Bear in mind I was a lot younger and thinner!  There was a smart dress code for the office and the men all had to wear suits.  My jacket was off anyway, so I undid my tie and threw it across the room…I unbuttoned my shirt, slipped it off my shoulders and threw it as far as I could.  I kicked off my shoes, pulled off my socks…then unbuttoned my suit trousers. I slid them off and screwed them in a ball and threw the away. I was just in my underwear…and off they came. Utterly naked.  I still had a tan from my summer holiday and I sat nude at my desk, feet up, exhilerated and heart racing. I didn’t need viagra in those days! I wished the birthday girl would come back but she didn’t.  After a while, I had to walk around the vast office still nude trying to find all my clothes…that was fun! Did I do any work? No.  Did I ever do it again?  Sadly no…but I remember it fondly!  And @paul gets to strip nude in the office everyday?! I’m jealous!!

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            • #12475
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                I am naked most days in the office.  I wait until the two others go on break and I am then all alone to get completely naked.


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                • #12477
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                    Naked most days?!?  How risky is that?!?

                    Exciting though!!

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                    • #12503
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                        Not the office but pegging the washing out

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                      • #12575
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                          With the excuse that you’re pegging ALL your clothes out 🙂

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                    • #12483
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                        It’s risky but fun at the same time.

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                      • #12577
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                          I once dared myself to get naked in as many places at work as possible. I only managed

                          1. a large cubicle in the gents
                          2. the store-room
                          3. the roof

                          so nothing much to write home about, but felt good at the time!

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                        • #12685
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                            I used to work in an office on the tenth floor, in the corner. In the interior of the floor were cubicles where the secretaries worked, but my office, as well as the others arranged along the windows, were private offices with doors.

                            One time I happened to be at the office very very late, maybe 3 or 4 in the morning. I was done with whatever I was working on. It was very quiet, naturally. The way the floor was organized, there was a pathway that ran parallel to the window offices and that separated those offices from the cubicles. So it was like an open corridor that went around the floor in a large square, maybe 200 or 300 feet on two sides, and maybe 400 or 500 feet on the other two sides, with another corridor that ran through the middle of the cubicles forming as a result two groups of cubicles.

                            Anyway, I was the only one in the building, except for a security guy who generally stayed on the ground floor. I removed all my clothes, leaving them in my office, and started walking along the open corridor, between the windowed offices and the secretarial cubicles. I explored the entire walkway system, and it was quite exciting as I got as far away from my office as I could get. It felt so good to be completely naked in such an environment, and I was quite aroused, as well. I returned to my office and got dressed.

                            It was exciting but also a dumb thing to do, and would be especially stupid nowadays, given that more and more cameras are used in interior spaces.

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                            • #12688
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                                I was thinking of the cameras as I was reading that! I’m always a bit surprised that so many people, including me, have done naked hotel corridor dares – I’m sure most hotels have cameras in every public space.

                                I like the idea of exploring the entire walkway system. I’ve sort-of done that in most places I’ve lived where I’ve made sure I spend time naked in every room, but doing it at work would be a massive challenge. I wonder if it would work in a park or woodland. The challenge could be to walk naked along every path at some point during the year. That’s got me thinking now!

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                            • #12705
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                                I think that if I was going to be tied up naked and beaten with seaweed, I’d prefer it to happen on the beach, not at work. (Some of Jean Rollin’s films can be a bit odd sometimes!)

                              • #12709
                                  • United States
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                                  It really was a thrill being totally naked in the office, all my clothes scattered around my desk.. but this was back in the days when there were no cameras in the office (…at least not that I was aware of?!?).  It’d be almost impossible to replicate that in a modern office where every movement is tracked and monitored.  It’s a shame because there’s a girl in my current office who I would *love* to see strip nude!

                                • #12710
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                                    I’d love to see more of this, office nudity, YES! I work from home, so no fun in that, butt if you are in an office or cubicle, GET NAKED! There shouldn’t be cameras everywhere???

                                    PM me for some more naked fn if interested

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                                    • #12711
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                                        PM sent!

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                                    • #12712
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                                        Been naked at work?

                                        Sure I’ve mentioned this before

                                        Yes. Have worked as a life model, naked cleaner, and in a naturist campsite.




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                                        • #12713
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                                            Naked cleaner?!? Nude throughout or starting fully clothed then stripping nude as you cleaned?

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                                            • #12714
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                                                Nude throughout.

                                                No stories of interest. Visit home, knock on door, enter, directed to a room to change, undress, chat to owner, clean, finish, get paid, dress and go home.

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                                              • #12715
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                                                  I’d prefer a slow striptease!

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                                            • #12796
                                                • Cheshire, England
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                                                Personally yes but that’s not a story for this site 🙂

                                                I used to be a senior manager in a large supermarket. I had a dom/sub relationship with my then girlfriend. They needed 2 people to go in and do some work over Xmas, including a keyholder (me) and I wangled her to come in also.

                                                She was bragging that she knew where all the security cameras were. I suspect that a couple of them she didn’t know about, but were unlikely to impact here.

                                                I took her to the front of the store by the tills, got her to stand where she felt safe from cameras, told her to take her clothes off (minus shoes) took her clothes and told her I’d be in the canteen. I was in the canteen, I neglected to tell her that her clothes would be in the managers office 🙂

                                                She got to the canteen, said that although she knew she couldn’t be seen, it was an intense experience. The canteen was a different matter, big glass windows and a public footpath going past.

                                                We had a coffee in the canteen with her getting increasingly nervous before I took her to the managers office for her clothes. This also had a big window and was by the same footpath.

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                                              • #12841
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                                                  Only one naked or everyone naked?

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                                                  • #12891
                                                      • United States
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                                                      I would dearly love to see one of my female colleagues totally nude at work…just her.

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                                                  • #12842
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                                                      I feel like being the only one naked is harder for everyone.

                                                      For you being naked will be awkward as you walk around and people see you for the first time. After I while I think it would become less awkward.


                                                      For the others still dressed, they have the awkwardness of looking but not looking for too long, where do they look, how do they act. I feel like only one naked really creates an atmosphere with a lot of awkwardness.

                                                      Being with everyone naked you all are in the same position, there will be some early awkward moments but I feel like everyone would relax more all being in the same position.

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                                                    • #12846
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                                                        It depends on what’s intended. A “naked at work” event needs everyone to take part to some degree, though it might vary from individual to individual. I remember in a TV version, one kept her underwear on, one wasn’t bothered at all and everyone saw all of her body throughout the event, and most (men and women) were naked but hid behind hands, clipboards, computer screens etc. Everyone thought it had gone well. At least one guy challenged himself to drive from home naked, and I imagine the camera crew would have been his excuse if he’d been stopped.

                                                        As a dare, turning up to work naked would certainly count as a challenge, but the risk would be that nobody would see the point of it and the naked person would just be flashing his/her bits at them for no particular reason. It would be different at a work party – one place I worked there was one woman who seemed to end up topless at every party somehow and nobody was bored or annoyed – but parties are different territory from “naked at work”.

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                                                      • #12854
                                                          • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                                          I think that only one naked is always a lot more intense than the idea of everybody naked. If everybody is naked you are all on equal playing ground, if you are the only one naked all of the focus and attention is on you, and it feels really awkward and embarrassing and probably also very disempowering/humbling. Also only one naked is a lot funnier seeing how all the dressed people react. Imagine showing up on go naked to work day and being the only one not dressed!

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