Doing a forfeit when something random happens

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Doing a forfeit when something random happens

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    • #12732
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        Some things I’ve tried before:

        • Take something off every time a tractor goes past the house
        • Keep a dice by the kettle, roll it whenever I make coffee, strip naked if it’s a 6 and stay that way until the coffee is finished
        • Keep a dice by the kettle, roll it whenever I make coffee, strip naked at the hour given by the dice
        • Strip naked if I log into Naked Experiment and see it’s 5 days since the last post was made
        • Log into Naked Experiment and take one thing off for every day since the last post was made

        New suggestion:

        • I’ve just seen one of those clickbait adverts saying that your personality is determined by the battery percentage on your mobile phone, so click here if it’s 10-20%, here if it’s 20-30% and so on. Instead, how about picking up your phone, looking at the battery percentage, divide by 10, subtract 1, and wear that many clothes to do something? You could have to stand in the window, or go outside, or just stay a bit naked for a while. Mine now says 23%, divide by 10 is 2, subtract 1 is 1, so I have to spend 23 minutes wearing one thing. (I think I’ll choose a sock.)

        Any better ideas? (There must be lots!)


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      • #12737
          • Netherlands
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          It’s better a other have to tell you what to do and for how long.

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        • #12738
            • Cheshire, England
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            Some sort of mass dice game thread would be interesting if someone came up with rules and posted a thread. 1 roll for what you wear, another roll for how long, a roll for where you stand (garden, by window, front door/back door etc) also possibly what activity you may be doing (I don’t know, cleaning/starjumps) the trickiest bit for me would be taking the pictures. If we tried to avoid the sort of things in the master dare list and the first one worked, we could progress to outside locations etc.

            There’d be no point with 1 for fully clothed and 6 naked as we’d all claim we’d thrown 6 🙂 but various stages of undress or possibly embarrassing clothing might work, not sure I’d fit in a ladies thong though 🙂

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          • #12739
              • Cambridgeshire, UK
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              As the whole idea is to be naked, I think we take this as a given.

              One option is to

              1. Go to your chosen location.

              2. Strip naked.

              3. Roll 2 die, and multiply the numbers.  This s how many steps you have to walk away from your clothes. (1-36)

              4. Roll 1 dice, this is how many minutes you must be naked before you can go back to your clothes. (1-6)

              Not sure how you would prove this as a video would be quite big to email and Ed to post

              Shaky, , John and 2 more people like this

              • #12740
                  • Wales, UK
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                  OneDrive or Dropbox?

                • #12742
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                    Now you’ve got me thinking of places where I could do this!!

                    It’s also got me thinking about the level of challenge being different for different people. I can imagine myself doing this dice-walk one but it wouldn’t be easy, so it’s probably about the right level for me.

                    I read an article somewhere in which the journalist had challenged herself to go out without a bra. I don’t think she said why. Maybe she wanted the challenge, or maybe she was investigating a fashion trend, or maybe her boss told her to do it to increase the readership. Who knows? Anyway, she found it a real challenge at first. She debated with herself about wearing an extra teeshirt, or wearing a jacket, but decided in the end to go for the full experience and just wear a teeshirt, not making any attempt to hide her nipples poking through. As we all would guess, she quickly got used to the feeling, realised that nobody was blatantly staring at her, and decided she could do it again if she ever wanted to. The point that struck me though was that it was a real challenge for her.

                    If someone on this site today told me to strip immediately, I probably would. If they wanted photos, I might, but it would increase the challenge and I might not. I’ll probably have a go at the dice-walk challenge but the time and place would be under my control, so does that make it easier? If I was on the beach and the deckchair attendant suddenly arrived and told me the chair was free if I took by trunks off, would I do it? Probably. Would my wife take her bikini bottom off in exchange for free use of the deckchair? Probably not.

                    I think that’s why the examples I put in the original post were things that I dared myself to do. They were more about me pushing my boundaries than about me taking a submissive role, if that makes sense. Or perhaps taking a submissive role to push my boundaries.

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                    • #12743
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                        “If someone on this site today told me to strip immediately, I probably would” – well, I’m glad I didn’t have to strip so it was a good day!!! Instead I tied myself to a chair. Stripping while tied to a chair would be an interesting exercise. Another one to add to the list 🙂

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                  • #12748
                      • Cheshire, England
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                      Instructions are always interesting. I’ve both given and taken instructions in a relationship, I’ll be honest, mainly given. Lack of underwear was a regular one with one girlfriend, wearing an opaque enough top with a brightly coloured bra in a busy pub, which she was instructed to remove when she went to the toilet. No one could actually see anything apart from occasionally the shape of the nipples, but most of the blokes in the room spent the rest of the night trying to see. She did have somewhat of an exhibitionist streak though, not one to try if someone would be humiliated by the experience.

                      There may possibly be scope for setting each other challenges, but we would have to know a bit about the person we were setting challenges for.

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                      • #12756
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                          Yes, people are certainly different. I’m now thinking of two friends. One was often fairly quiet but would have a go at pretty much any dare she was given. The other had quite strong views about NOT doing dares — she used to lecture us about the evils of peer-pressure — but she was the one who would sometimes leave the room on some pretext, e.g. to make a cup of tea, and come back braless or topless out of devilment. Then she’d go and get dressed again and behave as if nothing had happened.

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                      • #12824
                          • Wales, UK
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                          This could make a nice variation on the Master Dares and Weekly Dares. There could be a list of dares, but one is chosen at random each week (so no-one knows what’s coming next. The winner is the person who survives the longest without chickening out.

                          Martin and John like this

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