Do you like being the ONLY one naked?

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    • #15828
        • Wales, UK
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        Do you enjoy being the only one naked in social situations?

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      • #15832
          • Berkshire UK
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          I’m sure I wouldn’t mind! I wonder how the Named Experiments may have altered has the Moderator been nude rather than clothed the whole time….

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          • #15835
              • Wales, UK
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              It’s a variation I haven’t done yet!

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          • #15841
              • Long Island, New York, United States
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              I haven’t had the opportunity to experience it personally but that is the most appealing situation to me because it seems like it would be the most intense, simply because of the extreme submissive power imbalance that it would create for the naked person. Most of my fictional stories about nudity tend to include a situation where only one character is naked, because to me that is more interesting to explore than one where everyone is naked and on equal playing ground, it’s great for creating dramatic tension, I imagine in real life it would be even more intense!

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              • #15878
                  • Berkshire UK
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                  Where can we find your stories?

              • #15873
                  • United States
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                  No lol, I hate It. I have little or no power, entirely vulnerable while likely being the center of attention.

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                • #15877
                    • Canada
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                    I have been the only one nude in 2 situations.  The first was playing pool in the clubhouse at a nudist park, obviously a nude friendly environment.  Still, when I first realized I was the OON, there was a strong urge to cover up.  I resisted the urge and quite quickly became comfortable in the group.

                    The second circumstance involves riding my bicycle nude through a forest in the pre-dawn hours.  (I love the feeling).  The trail ends at a parking lot for a meet-up spot, so again a nudist friendly crowd.  The first few times I was extremely nervous and excited too, especially riding through the parking lot in front of the parked cars.  I have never had an adverse reaction from anyone I met there.  Lately, I just ride up and chat with anyone who happens to be outside their vehicle.  It seems like they all regard it a normal.  Definitely worth a try.

                    I would love to try bicycling at other locations/times of day but there are still legal considerations here in Canada.

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                    • #15879
                        • Wales, UK
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                        Nudity is one of the areas of law with the largest variations between western countries. We seem to be a little more free on that one in Europe and the UK.

                        For example, I live near the south coast of Wales so I’ve been to many of the local beaches. None of the ones I’ve visited are registered nudist locations but women going topless is absolutely the norm (when the weather is warm enough) and couples going full nude is not unusual.

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                    • #15880
                        • Long Island, New York, United States
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                        “Where can we find your stories?”

                        I have a blog but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post links to it.

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                      • #15883
                          • Long Island, New York, United States
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                          Or the interesting question I brought up in my thread on clothing allergies is would you want to be the only one naked everywhere you go for the rest of your life and be the only one who can’t wear clothing on a form full of people who get to pick and CHOOSE whether or not they wear clothing! Now that would be intense!

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                          • #15916
                              • Wales, UK
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                              It’s an interesting idea but how would a clothing allergy work? Would they have to be allergic to all fabrics? What about leather? Would the allergic person also be allergic to sitting on sofas and lying on beds (because of the fabric)? Would antihistamines work?

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                          • #15927
                              • Long Island, New York, United States
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                              “It’s an interesting idea but how would a clothing allergy work? Would they have to be allergic to all fabrics? What about leather? Would the allergic person also be allergic to sitting on sofas and lying on beds (because of the fabric)? Would antihistamines work?”

                              Yes many people have brought up these points and they were ones that I have thought about myself. Generally when I use the nudity virus as a story element it’s either some type of nanotechnology virus that can actually specify and understand if a person is touching fabric or if they are literally wearing clothing wrapped around them and creates the reaction based on that.

                              And then sometimes I just leave it unexplained. But sometimes feels lazy but the way I see it if the story works without there being an explanation for the thing driving the plot then you don’t always have to give an explanation. My reasoning is that so many things end up being unexplained that it’s not unreasonable to have a story where the cause of everything that’s happening in the story remains unexplained until the end.

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                            • #16033
                                • Wales, UK
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                                The power dynamic of one-sided nudity is interesting as it can work both ways. I’m sure everyone’s seen the effect one naked female stripper can have on a room full of men.

                                The naked person can often feel at a distinct disadvantage but it’s not guaranteed.

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                              • #16036
                                  • Manchester UK
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                                  True. I once ended up naked in front of a classroom of girls and because they loved it I really loved it! 🤪

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                                  • #16037
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      If it’s suitable for this website, you must elaborate on that one!

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                                  • #16046
                                      • Manchester UK
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                                      Will do. I’m on holiday this week but will tell!

                                      Ed likes this

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