Do you like being the ONLY one naked?

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    • #12169
        • Wales, UK
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      • #12173
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          • With strangers on the beach or in open countryside – not a problem
          • During a stripgame – embarrassing, and starting to worry if other players will lose interest and end the game
          • As a dare – challenging but normally fun
          • As a forfeit – embarrassing but that’s the whole point!

          From their faces, it looks as if they’re punishing her for something. Has she forgotten her turn to clean the bathroom AGAIN? (Is the woman on the left holding a chain?? What are they going to do to the naked one????)

          Bamaswitch and Ed like this

        • #12183
            • Long Island, New York, United States
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            Can’t speak from experience but being the only one is the most intense type of naked experience!

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            • #12233
                • Wales, UK
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                Psychologically, it just can’t be the same as being naked with other naked people.

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            • #12236
                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                “Psychologically, it just can’t be the same as being naked with other naked people.”

                It certainly can’t be, because when you are all naked you are all on the same level all on the same playing field. When you are the only one naked you stand out as different, and not only do you stand out as different but for a very distinct reason that you are exposed, you are vulnerable and everybody else is still armored and covered up in their clothing. It seems like it should not make that much of a huge difference but it really does, because when you are the only one naked like that all the focus and attention is on you, and although not everybody considers nudity inherently sexual for most people I think it is and that makes the whole situation even more tense and awkward. Even more so if it’s an opposite sex situation where the people who are dressed are the opposite sex and seeing your naked body that just makes it more intense than anything else, super sexual charge to it.

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              • #12237
                  • Long Island, New York, United States
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                  Honestly the picture for this thread is the perfect example. Look at the faces and body postures of the dressed women versus the naked one, it is so obvious how uncomfortable she feels, which is why it is such a great picture!

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                  • #12245
                      • Wales, UK
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                      I try to pick the best examples but I am limited to the photos I actually own.

                  • #12238
                      • Long Island, New York, United States
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                      Also going along with psychologically handling being the only one naked it brings up the question do you feel more vulnerable over the fact that you are physically naked, or do you feel more psychologically naked over the fact that you are physically naked? For me all of this stuff is in the mind and I think that the more people acknowledge the fact that you are naked and that they are the more of a psychological effect it has.

                      If I was standing there naked and nobody was mentioning it wouldn’t be as bad, but if everybody was constantly bring up the fact that they were dressed and I was not it would be psychologically crippling basically LOL. I mean I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about the situation for a second if other people kept bringing it up. It’s a strong position of power to be dressed when somebody else is completely naked like that.

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                    • #12250
                        • Canada
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                        I am a member at a nudist resort and noticed one night that I happened to be the only one naked playing pool in the clubhouse.  Normally all are naked.  That felt odd when I realized it and I felt an urge to cover for a while.  Bending over a shot seemed awkward as well.  However, being the only one nude at a community campfire as the night cools down, seems completely normal.

                        I have also rode my bicycle naked around the parking lot at a trailhead that is used as a meetup spot.  That was a whole different level of nervousness/excitement.  I enjoyed talking to some of those people months later who remembered seeing me do it.

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                        • #12253
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                            “I happened to be the only one naked” – Yes, there is (for me) a difference between happening to be naked where that’s (almost) accepted, and ending up naked where it’s challenging. I think that’s what made me say “With strangers on the beach or in open countryside – not a problem” above. I don’t bother covering up when I’m changing on the beach. I change as quickly as possible, and nobody has ever said anything. If I find a secluded spot, I get naked knowing that if anyone saw me they’d realise I was being discreet. Similar with camping – it’s quite easy to catch sight of someone changing or getting up in the morning, and I don’t think twice about who sees me or who I see.

                            On the other hand, I used to play stripgames and do dares, and that’s a fantastic buzz. Deliberately walking naked along a textile beach would be a big challenge. Even walking naked along an empty beach would be scary (in a good way!)

                            canakeda, Shaky and Ed like this

                        • #12280
                            • Wales, UK
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                            I think we can all see why “only one naked” is a common theme in the experiments.

                          • #12402
                              • Wales, UK
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                              Should we add more “only one naked” dares to the Master Dare List?

                              and Gary like this

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