Dares and limits

Forums Naked Participation Dare Challenges Discussion Dares and limits

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    • #2111
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        Has anyone reached their limit yet with the dares? Has anyone been encouraged to go a little beyond where they thought their limit lay before this challenge?

        I’m hoping a gradual step-by-step approach will help participants be a little braver than they expected when they started out on this journey. Has anyone been surprised they got this far?

        Martin likes this

      • #2112
          • Berkshire UK
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          I think also there is a question to the female members – are you put off by the challenges so far, and would you prefer them to be different?

        • #2113
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            I think the gradualness itself adds to the fun and the challenge. I’ve been naked on this site before at least a couple of times but I was dared to do those when I was already naked. It turns out that gradually becoming more exposed is a bigger challenge for me. I’m not sure about the focus on genitals though. Almost any part of a body could be gradually revealed but I suppose that would be more of an art exercise than a naked dare. Is focusing on genitals a male thing? Would more women join in if the dare was to flash a nipple, or even just set up a nipslip? (I was going to illustrate this with a picture of one of mine but it wasn’t a pretty sight! Is that part of the problem? Is this always going to be divided by gender?)

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          • #2114
              • Wales, UK
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              • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

              I think you’ve hit on a key problem: Is it possible for both genders to enjoy the same dares?


              My answer would be, mostly, but the step-by-step revealing isn’t going to be compatible. Locations, people, activities can all work for either gender but anything which relies on revealing parts of the body is going to be fraught with fairness/compatibility issues.

              and Martin like this

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