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    • #2641
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        In the planning for our Naked Experiments, I’ve looked at all sorts of interesting ways to experience and play with nudity but the one I haven’t considered before is dancing. Being naked in front of other people could be a quite different experience if the naked person is dancing. Would that be an experience worth experimenting with or is it getting too close to a strip tease?


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      • #2643
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          Persuading someone to dance might be harder than persuading them to strip naked!

          In this video, I liked the way her breasts moved against the very lightweight fabric of her top, and I liked the long tie she spent dancing naked. Her lipstick colour is impressive too!

          Is it just striptease? She stripped fairly quickly and stayed naked for longer whereas a striptease might be the other way round. When dressed she could have danced for longer and been more revealing. Her top worked well but she could have twirled her skirt to show that she wasn’t wearing knickers. That would make it different from a striptease but, if it was a Naked Experiment, the participants would need to dress specially for it.

          In a strange way, it reminds me of strip musical chairs. A big part of the fun there is all the movement, and seeing people “dance” from fully clothed to gradually more naked.

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        • #2644
            • Wales, UK
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            • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

            I expect it to be a harder sell, but a few of the potential participants are most keen to experience (and maximise) the embarrassment aspect of being naked. To them, the more embarrassing it is, the better.

            That’s the line I find hard to place. Just undressing while dancing isn’t technically a strip tease but many people might interpret it as such.

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