Being told to undress.

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    • #10930
        • Wales, UK
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        This has cropped up in the past and I’ve had a couple of people raise it in the last few days too.

        Some situations where people have told me they find it easier to overcome shyness and undress in front of someone else:

        • When a doctor or other medical practitioner tells you to remove your clothes.
        • For a massage.
        • In an artistic setting, such as when posing as a model for artists.
        • When ordered to by a superior or authority figure.

        Obviously, these are not always linked to an enjoyable experience, but the concept of being commanded on some level rather than simply voluntarily undressing is fascinating.

        In pre-experiment interviews, this theme has come up a few times where people have told me that they could not just stand up in front of the group and undress completely but if I “ordered” them too, then they would feel compelled to comply.

        This would not work in all situations, but when people want to get naked, are longing to experience the scenario, but are not quite brave enough to take the plunge, it can be enough to tip the balance and get them through.

        I’m wondering if anyone else has any experiences or anything to add to this?

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      • #10935
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          A similar situation I had was when I had a kidney stone and it wasn’t showing up on scans very well so they decided to use a scope. That sounds simple enough, but basically they run a long camera up your urethra. I wasn’t very excited about this already and was a bit nervous when I finally get back to the room. The procedure was performed in a regular doctor’s office.

          I can hear the nurses talking outside my room and realize its the first day for the one coming in for me. She comes in, quiet obviously is as nervous and I was and asks me to strip and put on a gown. She hands me a gown and turns around while I change. She instructs me to lay back and then pulls up the gown, checking me out. She then grabs a bottle of iodine, then my penis and begins to cover it thoroughly. I think we both a bit shell shocked. LOL.

          And then the doctor comes in for the scope he has her watch the whole thing.

          In that situation, I was a bit apprehensive. HA

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          • #10938
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              • The doctor doesn’t bother me. They have a job to do and they’ll probably do it better if I help by just going along with it.
              • I haven’t had a massage, but I think I’d probably think the same as with the doctor. I want to get the best from the massage, therefore I don’t want to put any barriers in the way of the massage person.
              • Artistic setting – I’d like to be a nude model but only with people I wouldn’t meet again! On the other hand, I have a long-standing female friend who draws female nudes. She hinted many years ago that she could draw me. I wouldn’t have done it then (I had too many hangups about my body and our relationship) but I definitely would now.
              • Authority figure is an interesting one. We’ve all heard the news about Dr Koshka Duff, Sarah Everard and other terrible abuses of authority. My thoughts about the doctor and the massage assume that the person is legitimate and professional and I’d walk out if I felt uneasy. As a fantasy, though, it would be a really good one to live out. I heard of a stag party where the stripper was dressed as a police woman and initially ordered the groom to strip before she then did her performance. I think they both kept their underpants on. She had a “minder” with her who took a good photo of them together both topless. (I don’t have it unfortunately!) Being ordered to strip would be good as part of an experiment, but I think I’d personally prefer it to be a game of chance. You could put chance and authority together if the boss pulled a name out of a hat (without saying why) and then ordered that person to strip. I think that would feel different from me pulling my name out of the hat myself. They’d both be good experiences but in a different way.

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          • #10942
              • Long Island, New York, United States
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              I find it interesting that people find it easier to get naked when told to do so by an authority figure, which is interesting in light of the fact that most people have been shown to being completely obedient to authority. But I also think that when an authority figure tells you to get naked you feel like you have more permission to get naked and you don’t really feel at fault for getting naked yourself, as somebody else is putting you into the naked situation.

              I have never found it really embarrassing to be naked at the doctor as that is a purely clinical session and it doesn’t have a sexual charge to it, but in most other situations it would be a very uncomfortable situation to get naked.

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              • #10944
                  • Wales, UK
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                  Giving “permission” is such a powerful thing. If someone in authority tells you to do something, therefore making it acceptable and justifiable, then it makes it much easier to do. Experts reckon that’s how most stage hypnotism works.  Tests have shown that less than half people who appear to be hypnotised on stage actually are, but because they think they are, it gives them licence to do stuff (dance with a mop, act like a celebrity, take off clothing etc.) that they would usually feel unable to do because of social norms.

                  I saw a program years ago where they got a hypnotherapist to hypnotise five people to walk into a cafe, sit at a table in the middle and then strip naked. 2 people did it, the others started but then did not finish. They then got an actor who was playing the part of a hypnotist to “hypnotise” five other people to do the same. Three of them got naked, one guy stripped to his boxers and a woman stripped to just her bra. The actor was more flamboyant in his “hypnotizing” but his routine had been designed by the hypnotist to not hypnotise anyone. Admittedly, it’s probably not very scientific, but the hypnotherapist talked about licence a lot when it came to doing embarrassing things on stage as part of a show.

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              • #10993
                  • Wales, UK
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                  It’s so hard to kick off a conversion. I thought I’d found a good topic there.

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                  • #11038
                      • Wales, UK
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                      Has anyone seen @Martin recently?

                  • #11056
                      • Cambridgeshire, UK
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                      When undergoing tests for prostate issues (fortunately negative) I had a number of prostate examinations (we all know what they are).  With the male doctors it wasn’t really a problem, but one doctor was a very attractive & petit SE Asian lady  (I know it shouldn’t matter) and my immediate thought was “Sh!t, she’ll want to examine me”, but as soon as she said “Please undress any lay on the examining couch” then it was really easy.

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                      • #11059
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                          Good to hear it was negative.

                          Their professional manner counts for a lot. I’m there in my role as a patient and think/behave accordingly. Our shared aim is to discover what’s wrong with me. It’s a very long way from there to playing a doctor/patient game. Then, as “patient”, I’d be playing a submissive role. The “doctor” would be pushing my boundaries in terms of exposure, embarrassment, nervousness, novel experiences or whatever, and vice versa if I was the “doctor”.

                          It would be interesting to wear heartrate or breathing monitors during a game/experiment. I think mine would go through the roof, even just stripping someone or being stripped.

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                          • #11103
                              • Wales, UK
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                              Several people have suggested that medical-style measurements should be taken and compared (heart rate and blood pressure being the most often suggested) but I’ve tended to shy away from that as I’m not confident I could get reliable results as I have zero medical training.

                              They did such measurements on the Horizon documentary but aren’t the results fairly obvious? Would you take part in an experiment if it wasn’t going to have an effect on you?

                        • #11198
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                            If you are told to undress straight away, it may be a shock and that may be exciting. A sudden strip search or losing a game where the forfeit is immediate nakedness would be like that.

                            Is it different if you are told that you will have to strip later? Perhaps a forfeit where you have to roll a dice and strip naked after 10, 20, 60 minutes or whatever. Is it more of a challenge when you have some time to worry about it? Is it different for longer time periods? If you discover at 8pm that you will be forced to strip completely naked at 9pm, you have an hour to worry about it but not really time to prepare. If you are told to strip naked this time next week, maybe that’s easier because you have time to prepare or more difficult because the tension builds up.


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                            • #11201
                                • Wales, UK
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                                That is a very interesting point. I’ve not really explored the knowing-in-advance side of nudity. I suppose the naked experiments touch on it as all participants know they are going to end up naked and often know for weeks beforehand. I don’t know if that gives them time to get used to the idea or if it makes it worse. Something else I should ask in future!

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                            • #11214
                                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                                I don’t think that the amount of time passing before you get naked really has much to do with how embarrassing it will be, because the way I see it being stripped naked in front of a group of people is going to be embarrassing one way or another. On the one hand if you have a long time to anticipate it you have a long time to worry about it, but you also have a long time to prepare for it and get yourself expecting it, when it happens unexpectedly it’s much more intense simply because you are not expecting it and you suddenly find yourself in this situation without warning catching you off guard with little time to brace yourself.

                                • #11216
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                                    There’s the embarrassment “in the moment” but also the nervous anticipation of what you’ll have to do at some definite point in the nearish future. As a personal experiment, I could pick a near-future date/time and whatever I’m doing then I have to somehow get naked at that moment. Obviously I’d try not to be in a supermarket or in the city centre bandstand, but I wouldn’t know with complete certainty what would be happening. If my mother-in-law happened to arrive at that moment, I’d probably make an excuse for a brief visit to the garden shed and strip off there with the door open. The point of the experiment, though, would be to see how nervous I became as the time approached.

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                                • #11067
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                                    How about you roll a pair of dice. If it’s a double, the dice have ordered you to strip completely naked immediately and post the pictures.

                                    When I’m home alone, I sometimes put a pair of dice by the kettle and if I lose, I have to be naked while I drink the coffee. I’m not sure what to do when I’ve set everything up and then lose interest. Do I tell myself I have to play by the rules and strip naked even if it doesn’t mean much at that moment, or do I stop playing? Currently I stop playing. Maybe I should think of some forfeits to do so if I’m not interested in drinking this particular coffee naked, I have to do something later instead. Strip while blindfolded? On the other hand, maybe having to strip naked on demand whatever mood I’m in should be part of the challenge.

                                    This reminds me of a different game. We used to roll two dice and remove the difference between them, so 1 and 6 was bad news (immediately naked if I wasn’t wearing much) but a double was good news. We quite often added rules for doubles. One version was to spreadeagle for the rest of the round if you threw a double. In another version, a different player would tell you what to take off if you threw a double.

                                    Bamaswitch, Joseph and Ed like this

                                  • #11085
                                      • Wales, UK
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                                      It’s up. You are exposed, @risktaker!

                                    • #11088
                                        • Wales, UK
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                                        “slightly”?! ?

                                      • #11264
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                                          Happy birthday @risktaker – I wonder if that explains a video I saw once. It was filmed from behind a guy “celebrating” his birthday by being stripped naked in front of his family and friends. It looked genuine from their age range and mixture of reactions.

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                                        • #11294
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                                            I’m not going to do that, but a couple of thoughts come to mind.

                                            1. SHOUTING at someone DEMANDING they look at you naked is an interesting reversal of the normal western power balance where the dressed viewer feels (rightly or wrongly) superior to the naked subject. I’ve read that in some African cultures, a mature woman can curse a man by showing him her genitals, so I suppose that’s the same reversal. It would be a bit like someone saying “I dare you to look at me naked”, or maybe even just sending out dickpics, which is a much simpler example perhaps.
                                            2. I went to an art gallery before lockdown where one of the rooms contained a giant human form made out of extreme close-up photos of tiny parts of someone’s complete (naked) body printed onto post-it notes. They functioned as pixels in a way. A surprisingly small number of them had fallen off, some were curling, some were positioned with gaps between them or not quite straight. It was really interesting to see. Surprisingly (to me) there was a sign outside the room advising parents to be cautious about taking their children in. Maybe that’s an automatic knee-jerk reaction to anything based on naked human flesh, but it wasn’t in any sense pornographic.

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