Are strip games more fun played in front of an audience?

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    • #11128
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      • #11134
          • Long Island, New York, United States
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          Yes, nudity without an audience is pretty much the same as staying dressed since no one is getting a peek!

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        • #11137
            • Cambridgeshire, UK
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            Definitely for the audience, not so sure about the “contestants” though.

          • #11141
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              I think it’s a different experience, not necessarily more fun but different fun. With an audience, it becomes a performance. I’d enjoy it more if it was literally a performance done in a theatre or similar. Doing it in a pub would be more humiliating, assuming the crowd were a bit rowdy, which could be a good thing or could be a too scary. It would be good as part of hen/stag party where rowdiness is part of the experience. The situation in the picture looks good – the audience is small and seem to be part of the event. I’d enjoy that, but it would be different from playing with a few friends at home. A bit part of that is building the relationships within the group. It’s another thing we’ve done together. Maybe, though, gradually stripping naked with friends in front of an audience would be a good thing for the group of friends. Something to look back on!


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            • #11148
                • Long Island, New York, United States
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                “Doing it in a pub would be more humiliating, assuming the crowd were a bit rowdy, which could be a good thing or could be a too scary. It would be good as part of hen/stag party where rowdiness is part of the experience.”

                I don’t know if it would make it more scary but I definitely think it would be a lot more intimidating and a lot more intense because I think that when you are naked and when you see everybody around you getting rowdy, rowdy being a little bit aggressive, that makes you feel even more vulnerable and exposed and at their mercy, and you also know that they are getting excited by the fact that you are naked, so there is sort of that awkward tingly feeling that you get from knowing that there is a sexual charge to the entire thing, and that people are getting turned on by seeing you exposed. The more comfortable they are having you exposed the more you feel their eyes on you. The dressed ones, comfortably dressed, are very much the ones in control and viewing you as the flesh.

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              • #11149
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                  Would they get turned on though? Maybe they’d see it as a power thing – they are superior because they are dressed – or maybe curious about what you look like naked, or maybe just enjoying the entertainment.

                  Would you feel more exposed if you were completely naked and fully aroused? Would you want to cover yourself up? What if you were prevented from doing so? What if the losing forfeit was to stand on a table with your hands behind your head?

                  Are strip games more fun played in front of an audience if you become aroused?

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                • #11155
                    • Long Island, New York, United States
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                    “Would they get turned on though? Maybe they’d see it as a power thing – they are superior because they are dressed – or maybe curious about what you look like naked, or maybe just enjoying the entertainment.”

                    I think it depends on the person but I think being in that position of power has a sexual charge to it as well as create sort of a sexual dynamic. I mean I know there are some people who can look at other people naked and not see it as sexual but I am definitely not one of them, and I think that I am in the majority in that regard. I think most people if they see a person of the sex that they are attracted to completely naked would be turned on by it. And that is true even if they were trying not to be.

                    “Would you feel more exposed if you were completely naked and fully aroused? Would you want to cover yourself up? What if you were prevented from doing so? What if the losing forfeit was to stand on a table with your hands behind your head?”

                    I would feel a lot more exposed because not only would they be seeing me naked but they would realize that the humiliating nature of it was getting me turned on as well, which would give them additional power and control over the situation and make it even more embarrassing. The fact that you cannot cover yourself up would just make you feel even more exposed as everybody could see your arousal on display.

                    “Are strip games more fun played in front of an audience if you become aroused?”

                    Well certainly more embarrassing!

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                  • #11163
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                      “I think it depends on the person” – Yes, and the situation. For me, choosing to be naked outside is about naturism, not sex, and if I see someone else naked (beach, park etc) , I’ll be curious to see what they look like but it’s not about sex. If it wasn’t my choice, then – yes – it could become arousing through the humiliation. That can even happen when playing strip games with long term friends where there is definitely no chance at all of any sex happening and it would be a bit gross to imagine it, but it’s still possible to get aroused and it can be part of the game. I’m not particularly gay, and I haven’t done this for ages, but I love seeing the audience reaction when I quickly pull an aroused man’s underpants down while he’s facing the others! All of that is very different from a sex show (strip club, night club games, stag/hen party etc) where the whole point is arousal, ideally to the point where at least one person orgasms.

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                    • #11170
                        • Long Island, New York, United States
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                        True nudity isn’t always about sex but I feel that if I were naked that people would be seeing me as a sexual object. Maybe they aren’t but I would have the feeling that that is the way I was being. If you were other men looking at me naked I would just feel awkward but I wouldn’t feel aroused by that, however if it were dressed women or women that I found attractive seeing me naked I couldn’t help but feel like I was a sexual object and that there was a sexual experience that was taking place. That of course would in turn be arousing which would in turn compound the embarrassment which would just me making the situation worse and worse!

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