Apologies for site speed

Forums Community & News Community News & The Future Apologies for site speed

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    • #17864
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        You may be seeing speed fluctuations and occasional lockouts currently. Bots are attacking the site relentlessly, trying to log in several times per second and causing the site to go into lockdown mode every hour or so to protect itself. The bots won’t get in (I can’t explain why for security reasons) but there are overloading the server. Currently, the problem is getting worse.

        The security systems keep blocking IP addresses but the bots spoof their IP addresses so that defence doesn’t work. Consequently there’s nothing much I can do to stop this traffic.

      • #17865
          • UK
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          Does cloudflare have a free option?

          The site seems fine at the moment. But I did have a slight issue logging in earlier. The pages loaded fine but the login wasn’t having it.

          • #17867
              • Wales, UK
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              • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

              I’m not sure how cloudflare would help?

              • #17869
                  • UK
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                  Protecting sites against attacks like this is exactly why they exist x

                • #17870
                    • Wales, UK
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                    • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                    The site is protected against the attacks. They don’t get through. However the work done to do the protection takes up server time. It doesn’t really matter what software does that protection, it still needs processor time to run.

                  • #17875
                      • UK
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                      Thats where cloudflare will help – the bots will spam their servers rather than yours 🙂

                    • #17886
                        • Wales, UK
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                        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

                        That can only happen if they take control of my domain name. That’s not going to happen.

                      • #17888
                          • UK
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                          Not sure, but I think you just point the domain to their servers

                    • #17866
                        • Long Island, New York, United States
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                        I started another thread about how I was having login issues but I’m glad to say that so far they don’t seem to be happening that often anymore.

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