Another tier.

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    • #15764
        • Wales, UK
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        • Administrator of NakedExperiment Community

        Someone suggested I should set up a higher tier on Patreon to give patrons the option of supporting more. On one level, I like the idea – it certainly makes sense, but on another level, I don’t really have anything to provide to patrons on a higher tier.

        Any ideas?

      • #15771
          • Wales, UK
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          Okay, so I guess no-one’s prepared to discuss that in public. My private messages are open!

        • #15852
            • Wales, UK
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            Clearly not a popular idea.

            I’ll drop this one until I can come up with something worthwhile as a bonus for the upper tier.

          • #15871
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              Is there somethings member related that could be added to higher tier.

              Member photos / videos they don’t want to share in public realm. I have a few that I think I’d consider putting up on higher tier without face blurring/hiding.

              Might be time limited or something but yeah stuff like that.

              2. If we got a monthly game night going, how many people would consent to the Skype being recorded to be available at higher tier? Is a monthly game night feasible? Seems like getting People together sometimes can be hard, but we choose to do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard.

              Obviously some sort of online game we could all join would be easiest..must be some websites Ed already knows of. But even rock paper scissors on video would work.


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              • #15872
                  • Berkshire UK
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                  I think an issue with adding a tier on Patreon is that that higher level of patronage would need to be reflected here in rather than in Patreon.

                  yes, it is possible to have Patreon posts that have a limited audience (higher level rather than all Patreons) but they could only redirect Higher Patreons to parts of where security limits access to the NE users who are higher Patreons. For myself I have a user name on that is not the same as my Patreon so Ed would need to manually ensure I had the correct higher access in based on my Patreon tier.

                  it is not as simple as adding extra content to Patreon – it’s clear that there will be no nudity on Patreon which I guess is a Patreon restriction. A higher tier wouldn’t change that and, indeed, might not be good PR as someone signing up for the higher tier might expect to see that and then be disappointed.

                  I have provided photos to the Master Dare Challenge, all of which are visible. Whilst it says I will be credited with achieving the dare by providing a photo but not allowing it to be public, I think that defeats the point of the MDC – and if I did provide a photo not be made public, I wouldn’t want it to be made public even to a restricted audience.

                  I wouldn’t have an issue providing more content and allowing that to be monetised. it is tough trying to find a date and location to meet up with one other (let alone more!) but I am sure that it can be done. Perhaps higher tier Patreons could be allowed to suggest challenges for individuals at any such gathering (which might then be published as a Naked Experiment video or book, and I’d be okay with that publication including imagery of me) or receive early or exclusive access to the results.


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