OON ALWAYS being the only one naked

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    • #1502
        • Long Island, New York, United States
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        This is something I have thought about a lot and I even wrote something of a novella about the topic but I was wondering how people would feel if there was one specific person or a group of people that you always had to be the only one naked in the group?What type of long-term psychological effect you think that that would have on you being constantly naked around a group of people who are dressed? It’s something I have always wanted to experience myself but never had the opportunity to try. Has anyone else ever tried this before?

        I have also taken it further into the speculative realm speculating what it would be like if you had to be publicly naked all the time where most people were dressed but maybe that’s a different topic altogether.

      • #1518
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          I wonder if you could volunteer to run a charity coffee shop for a week just to see how long-term nudity felt. You’d make money for the charity by people sponsoring you to be naked and also the profits from selling the coffee. You’d need to find a charity that was relevant and up for it – Prostate cancer perhaps? Eating disorders?

          Charles VA likes this

        • #1533
            • Long Island, New York, United States
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            “I wonder if you could volunteer to run a charity coffee shop for a week just to see how long-term nudity felt. You’d make money for the charity by people sponsoring you to be naked and also the profits from selling the coffee. You’d need to find a charity that was relevant and up for it – Prostate cancer perhaps? Eating disorders?”

            I think in the fantasy it’s an involuntary situation where you have to go naked due to some type of allergic reaction to clothing or something like that because I would probably be too nervous to do something like this voluntarily even though it would probably be rather exciting.

            When I think of being the only one naked I think of an experiment about maybe starting some type of CFNM dating or relationship whereby partner is always naked and it would be interesting to see what the effect would be on the relationship. My theory is that the person who stays dressed would probably take on sort of a dominant role and the person without clothing would become more meek differential to the person wearing clothing but again it depends on how comfortable they are with being naked and specifically with being the only one naked.

            I also thought an interesting thing might be some type of CFNM March for women’s rights or something like that where men go naked alongside their women to raise awareness of the sexual objectification of women by sexually objectifying men or something along those lines, turning the tables.

          • #2214
              • east sussex uk
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              I love being the only one naked and even done dares in public where I have been the only one naked although friends were with me it was a rush and great fun .

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