All members of are expected to abide by the following rules:
1. All members of this community must be at least 18 years old.
2. Men – DO NOT private message (PM) female members unless you are replying to a private message from them.
3. Hate speech or incitement to hate is not permitted. This community is not the place for religion or racism.
4. Do not post illegal (according to UK law), offensive or inappropriate material. Anyone posting underage photos/illustrations will be banned and reported to the authorities. Descriptions or accounts of people below 18 years of age engaged in ANY sexual activity are not permitted.
5. Do not post depictions or links to depictions of explicit sex, ejaculation, insertions or graphic masturbation. This is NOT a porn site.
6. Keep all posts civil and please avoid profanity. Do not harass other members, especially our valuable female members. Ladies, if any members harass you or won’t take “no” for an answer, please contact the admin immediately.
7. Photos featuring just male nudity may ONLY be posted in appropriate forums. They may not be posted on profile pages. Depictions of erections are not permitted in this community. Closeups of genitalia are not suitable for this site.
8. Personal avatars may not feature genital nudity (ie NO exposed genitals). Offensive or distasteful avatars will be removed without warning.
9. The language of this community is English. Please do not post in other languages.
10. Posting links should be done with caution. Please ensure they are on-topic, safe and checked. Off-topic links will be treated as spam.
11. No promoting or advertising other websites, groups or communities without explicit permission.
12. By posting content here you are giving the right to publish it online.
13. Do not post material you do not have the right to post. You are responsible for everything you post here.
14. Photographs or other depictions of violence and pain are not usually deemed suitable for this website.
15. Please consider the way you post external links. We encourage well-intended links (to interesting articles/resources), but if you’re just here to post links to your social profiles etc., you will be deleted.
16. Remember the topic of this community is nudity NOT sex. Descriptions or graphic references to sexual activities will likely be deleted and leave you with a warning (or worse).
Moderator decisions are final. When inappropriate or objectionable behaviour falls outside the scope of these rules, this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Community rules may be improved and added to at any time so please check back periodically. A moderator will usually warn members who break the above rules unless the breach is deemed to be obviously deliberate. Repeated infringements can lead to a ban from the community. As this site is based in the UK, we use British Law to decide what is legal.