Welcome to our Community

Like being naked in front of others? Or seeing other people naked? Maybe you fancy a challenge or want to see how people react to being seen naked? If you want to experiment with many aspects of nudity, you’ll love the NakedExperiment free adult community.

Register for free, get involved in our forums, see many naked photos uploaded by members, watch nude videos, share experiences, vote in polls & make new friends! This is strictly NOT a porn site.

**Please ensure you are over 18 years old before entering our community.**

Quick Guide to our Community

  • Blog – Where we post most embedded videos & many photos. Please comment on any posts.
  • Forums – Find most community activity here. Much to discover & discuss, friends to make & more. Visit.
  • Master Dare List – A centralised list of dares, from easy ones you can do at home to much more daring stuff. 
  • Vote Offs – Community events to have their clothes voted off by the public. Are you brave enough?
  • Naked Experiments – The original core of this site. Small groups explore many variations of being naked.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas Illustration created by GetImg.ai
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish all members of the community (and passing visitors) a Merry Christmas!

It’s been a mixed year but I think the overall direction has been improvement. Obviously, I won’t be offering much in the way of technical or customer support for the next couple of days, but I expect normal service to resume on Wednesday (27th of December).

Here’s hoping you all have a good one. Don’t over-indulge too much!


Server upgrade

I’m pleased to be able to announce this community website is now running on a shiny new server. This has meant a range of technical improvements but the biggest thing most of us will notice is a big improvement to site speed. The time to load pages is substantially reduced so you’ll be navigating around the community faster than ever before.

We also gain a little more space to store photos/videos etc. and a more up-to-date OS means better security and wider access to more updates for the various site features. Essentially, we all get a faster, better and even safer experience.

Everything has been checked thoroughly, to the best of my knowledge, but if you find anything amiss, please let me know. 


Now accepting participants for Vote-Off #7.

With Vote-Off #6 complete (congratulations to our winner of Vote-Off #6, Matt – you can see his getting naked video here)NakedExperiment has now opened the doors to video submissions for Vote-Off #7.

It looks like three of the participants from Vote-Off #6 will be taking part in Vote-Off #7 so I’m hopeful that #7 will kick off very soon, so get your videos in NOW!


Find out more about Vote-Off #7 and how to join in the fun here.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Here’s hoping we all have a great 2023.

I want to come up with some more new ideas to get some momentum going in this community in the new year. If you have any ideas, please post them in the forums. The more ideas we bounce around the greater the chance of finding something excellent.

Don’t forget that Vote-Off #5 will be starting in early January. Should be great fun!

Happy New Year and all the best for the next twelve months,



Vote-Off #4 is OPEN!

Vote-Off #4The biggest event of 2022 (so far!) has just begun. Vote-Off #4 starts today. We’ve lined up FIVE volunteers and you can vote off ALL their clothes. Each round lasts 24 hours and the volunteer with the most votes at the end of the round has to remove an article of clothing.

This event doesn’t end until four of these 5 volunteers are stripped completely naked for all to see!

Get involved and don’t miss out on the fun. Who do you want to end up naked?

Find out more here.


Vote Off #4 Open for Participants

Covering with handsAs you know, there are many places you can show yourself or risk being naked online, but letting people vote off your clothing is a completely different experience. You do not have any control and the audience can strip you naked on a whim and look at your bare body. Letting other people control your level of exposure can be a lot more exciting!

So, are you brave enough to let the online audience decide if your clothes come off? Their votes take your clothes from you and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.

We’re looking for another three or more participants to risk exposure to the online community in our new Vote Off event.


Find out more about participating here.

Find out more about the Vote Off event here.

Merry Christmas!

Sorry I won’t be around so much this Christmas. I’ll be trying to check-in at least every day, where possible, but normal service will return on January 2nd.

This stormy, cold weather isn’t conducive to nudity outdoors and family get-togethers often aren’t conducive to nudity indoors either. I’m guessing everyone will be a little quiet online for a few days, so there probably won’t be much going on here.

Anyway, hope you all have a good Christmas and a relaxing few days off work etc. Make it a good one!

All the best,


Naked Attraction Adverts on Buses to be Removed

Naked Attraction advert on the side of a London BusThis news article made me laugh out loud. It is not exactly a surprise that the advert drew complaints but some of the complaints are not what I expected.

Before we continue, I just was to explain where I’m coming from. The advert is humour. Humour isn’t always well-targeted BUT it is supposed to be fun. It’s not an attack. No matter what joke you make, there is always a chance that someone will take offence or get upset, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have humour. The advert has no pictures, no rude words, zero sexual connotations and is supposed to attract attention by making people smile. It’s a piece of cheeky fun.


“The advert was described as “tone deaf” by many, with others saying it put passengers at risk of sexual assault.”

That is just naive. In what way is that an invitation to crime? If there are people out there likely to commit sexual assault, they are criminals and dangerous regardless of a funny advert. Don’t blame the advert, blame the criminals.


“There were also concerns children could be in the indicated seats.”

Admittedly unfortunate, but they might (or not) like the show, and that’s funny too. Don’t pretend that kids don’t watch stuff they shouldn’t be watching! WHO is going to think the advert inadvertently pointing to kids is an actual comment?


“Writer Tracy King raised the issue on Twitter, saying: “What the hell is this creepy bus ad? You can’t just label non-consenting passengers like that. Does @Channel4 not know how many sexual assaults take place on buses?””

This is simply mad. No sane person will think that random passengers are being selected for attack by the advert. Why is an opinion on nudity being directly linked to sexual assaults? It’s the whole nudity = sex thing all over again! Being “labelled” by the advert is embarrassing at worst. I admit I don’t know the crime statistics for this advertising campaign but I suspect that no sexual assaults at all were caused by or influenced in any way whatsoever by this campaign.



Naked Experiments Application Form OPEN!

Naked Experiments Application FormI am pleased to be able to announce that the new application form for the Naked Experiments is now open. If you want to try taking part in one of our experiments, find out more here.

There’s a whole new information page that should be clearer, but also cover most questions people have about the experiments and I have tried to streamline the entire process.

For now, I’ve removed the Experiences as they were confusing the whole thing but had not started anyway.

One more thing: Due to the new form, I am starting the entire waiting list again. If you signed up previously, and are still interested, please sign up again.