Reply To: Naked on stage question:

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    • Power Poster

    For me just coming out naked, I’m not sure that’s enough. I like the idea of stripping for the audience.

    I’m not sure I’m really that bothered either way but I definitely think there is more of a thing for me to strip in front of them.

    If you are already naked then once you’ve stepped out in front then the initial moment of I’m naked is over very quickly.

    Having to strip in front of them, the act of getting naked for people is one of the things that makes it for me. Starting dressed and slowly taking off clothes to reveal everything it feels like more of a connection to each person in the audience. Like you can see them and look at them as you strip making it more about you and them like your getting naked for them more than just getting naked to go on stage.

    , Ed and Arthur like this